Online musings of everyday life....

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Beach Time - Finally!

Most of you already know that I have been chomping at the bit for quite sometime to go to the beach. I have not been to the beach since this time with ex gf.

I was planning to go to this but I couldn't get any of my friends to go with me so I bagged it. Then, I was going to go for my birthday and my sister mentioned buying me a ticket to London instead. (Plus, I don't want to wait all the way until then to go!) Then, S1 is going down to house sit for a friend's house right on the beach the end of April and wanted me to come and I have to teach that weekend.

So, can you see a pattern here? It comes a point where you just have to say JUST DO IT! And, MAKE the time to do it.

So, I swapped classes with my friend, K and now am going with S1. Ya-hoo! Beachtime here I come!


Blogger het (aka quickfit) said...

wey hey, time to pose on the beach with the bootcamp body !
you go girl
and have fun

ciao4now x

3:49 PM

Blogger r.d. said...

FUCK!!! I haven't been the same since the Bahamas! Where you going, what beach? Excellent decision t2, I have no doubt you will enjoy your time immensely.

7:25 PM

Blogger afuntanilla said...

sounds great, you lucky dog, you!

8:37 AM


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