Online musings of everyday life....

Friday, March 16, 2007

Bootcamp - Graduation

Tonight is the last night and we’re going to do another PT test like the one we did the first night. This will measure how far we’ve come as far as speed and strength. After that we graduate.

Since it’s the last week the workout intensities have gone up. Monday was a 5 mile run, Tues. was multiple stair climbing, sprinting, lunging and ab work, Wed. was kickboxing class – which, has been the least painful workout of the week and last night was “House of Pain” (you don’t want to know). All I know is that ice, ibuprophen and, of course, my Koehler jet tub have become my best friends. That, shin splints do not go away if you work out everyday and that I am finally seeing the shadow of my lats again. And, I will take pics and post but I have to warn you now – my stomach has not seen the light of day for many, many months so you might just be blinded by the whiteness of it! Look at your own risk!

Was it worth it? – HELL YEAH!

I met many great people in this. It’s inspiring to be around people every night that want to change their lives and bodies and are willing to be there, to put forth an effort.


I can do (male) push-ups like a mo-fo now –even one-armed ones!

Kickboxing class is actually no big deal now – when I used to barely get through it without throwing up.

I am into a size 29 jeans now. My size 4 pants fit again.

Arm and quad muscles popping.

I can see lats again.


168 tricep extensions in one night including fire ant bites on my hand because I put it on the crack of the wall and stirred up a nest.

Spraining my ankle badly after the 1st week and icing it every night and wearing an ankle brace.

Packing my damn workout bag every night and doing [what seems like] tons of laundry.

Trying to [get away with] adding 3 Corona lights as a 6th meal in my log book and having to do a 100 pushups as [punishment] encouragement.

(Yes, I drank – I made it two weeks and decided that life was def too short not to have a beer with my jet tub)

Meeting cute bootcamp chick who came out and danced with me last Sat.

Singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall with cute bootcamp chick coming off our 5 mile run on Monday.

Going to bed at 9:00 every night!

All the comradery of my fellow bootcampers!


Blogger Kelly said...

Congrats, T2. You are truly inspiring! You've definitely earned to graduate as well as a soak in the tub with a Guinness. :)

9:43 AM

Blogger Middle Girl said...

What a marvelous accomplishment. You wear your pride well. :)


3:11 PM

Blogger afuntanilla said...

good for you! i know you must have kicked butt!! i'm sure you inspired your fellow classmates as well.

5:46 PM

Blogger SassyFemme said...

Wow, what an accomplishment. I'm genuinely in awe! Congrats!

9:19 PM

Blogger jromer said...


3:01 PM

Blogger Jeff said...

As the creator of the program, you could give us some props and mention us by name in your posts!


1:47 AM

Blogger Trinity2 said...

Uh - yes, Jeff - I did - if you go to one of my earlier posts you will see that I linked OperationBootcamp. Here's the post:

4:50 PM


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