Online musings of everyday life....

Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy Monday!

Just a little update to let you all know that no I did not freeze to death over the weekend. My frozen stiff body was not found on the side of the road somewhere having been blown off my motorcycle from the heavy gusts of wind whipping me and my bike all over the highway. Again, thank Goddess for all the cold weather gear I took with me this weekend. And – my class and co-instructor was excellent!

So, (lets back up a bit, shall we?) Thurs. night at country bar KC asked me for my blog address. I baulked and said that only a few of my friends here in Atlanta knew about it’s location (and, one of them is Afunt who is one of us) and that I tried to keep it that way as I didn’t want to worry about censorship. I said I always want to be able to write from my heart and that it was kind of an online journal. She accepted that and asked if I would send her one of my entries to read. I nodded and said “sure”. But, the whole time I am thinking “If she wanted to get to know me more why not ask me to do something instead of me sending her one of my posts?"

(I echo the same feelings as this blogger)

I blew it off and never sent her anything.

Friday while I am teaching class a text message came in from KC saying “Happy Friday” and that’s all. And, as you know in my previous post I wished everyone a "HAPPY FRIDAY". So whether or not this is just a strange coincidence or she had in fact found my blog it doesn’t matter. I will still continue to write from my heart and give readers my truth. And, if someone finds my blog that doesn’t like what I say? - well, they can just stop reading it. It’s one of those things – if you don’t like purple socks then don’t fucking wear them! (Even if they are the warmest pair in the drawer!)
(No, I wouldn't be caught dead in these!)


Blogger Zoe said...

It is sometimes difficult to write openly when you know that poeple who you see on regular basis read your blog. At first my blog was completely annonymous, but I sort of let it slip out to a few of my close friends and that was that. I've found that it has helped some of my close friendships, as am not as open in person and things I have written have sparked some pretty great conversations.

I just try not to think about who is reading. Zoe is kind of like my alter-ego. I'm not saying that I'm not me when I write, but I allow Zoe to say things that I maybe never would. Perhaps that doesn't make much sense to you, I don't know. My point is just that you shouldn't sensor your self because someone you don't want reading blog has discovered it.

10:34 AM

Blogger r.d. said...

You couldn't pay me to wear those things- they don't even look warm. Are they crochet? You know how I feel about that-

Yeah, I hear you, I actually don't want anyone I already know to have my blog address. Just because...

10:45 AM

Blogger jromer said...

oh i'm glad i'm not the only one who

a. wants my blog kept to it's particular circle

b. wouldn't wear lilac colored crochet sissy socks

11:28 AM

Blogger storm indigo said...

i like purple and crocheted blankets, and I wouldn't be caught dead in those socks either!

as for anonymity and censorship, i prefer getting feedback from people who do not know me previously, and have no vested interest or emotional attachment to what I have written.

11:53 AM

Blogger afuntanilla said...

can u buy me those socks? :) hee hee

7:38 PM

Blogger Maggie said...

I like the socks too. (sorry)

8:14 PM

Blogger SassyFemme said...

I'd wear those socks in a hearbeat! Actually, I have socks that look a bit like them.

The only friends, outside of those made through blogging, that know of my blog are two back in San Antonio. I didn't tell them about my blog until I moved, though. I know that if someone decides to Google my email, then they'll find me, but I just take that chance. Besides, if they did, then they're looking for me, so they can take what they get. Otherwise, I kind of like having the semi-anonymity, and a place to bitch when I want to.

10:29 PM

Blogger Middle Girl said...

I haven't told anyone in my real life about the blog--besides my son & daughter. They never visit (I don't think) it wouldn't matter-I tell them (well, my daughter) most everything I write about.

I've been toying with the idea of telling someone I met about a month ago about the blog...but I think not, for awhile longer anyway. Like sassy, I kind of like the semi-anonymiity...and the rest.

11:31 PM

Blogger r.d. said...

Don't do it only daughter- not yet at least. I'm just saying.

11:57 PM

Blogger Kasey said...

So when you die, I'll find some of those very socks and slap 'em on your feet. ;o)

Seems a lot of people are going through this time of others discovering their blog and reading when either not invited, asked not to read, or something similar.

11:30 AM

Blogger Ranni said...

Came here from Rainbow Wolf's blog...

Most of my friends are online (sad, isn't it?) and they have my blog address. Once in awhile they think I'm blogging about them when I'm not, but they at least ask before getting too upset.

My family, at least the ones who are online, also have it. Sometimes I feel I need to not say certain things but in the end I do it anyway. My husband never visits but I tell him everything I blog anyway. My Oldest does visit, just not when I want him to.

Anyway, I think with so many people that I'm close to having access to my blog, it helps keep me honest. It also affords me a way to communicate. I suck at speaking but sometimes can get a point across in writing with ease. I do, however, try not to be as blunt as I am when speaking in person. Great post! Certainly made me think.

11:51 AM


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