Online musings of everyday life....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ten unusual things

10 things I bet you didn’t know:

1. I am a very efficient worker and I can get things done fast – even personal things like getting ready in the morning and house chores. Because of that I get impatient with people because I think most people do things very slow.

2. I can’t stand the thought of leaving a dirty house before I go away on a trip even if it’s only for a few days.

3. I check my bank account at least twice a day online.

4. I was always a very poor student in elementary and high school. I didn’t get good grades until I went to college.

5. The only food I don’t like is turnips because my mother once told me they were mashed potatoes to get me to eat them. I took a big bite and almost got sick when I realized what they were. To this day I will not eat them.

6. My family always took me to quack doctors when I was a kid so to this day I have a big mistrust of doctors and dentists.

7. My favorite smell is honeysuckle – even though it’s an invasive plant I let it grow all over my yard.

8. I dream about living in Europe for a summer.

9. I love my fat office at work and get off on the fact that there are people that make more money than I that don’t have a window.

10. On a scale of 1-10 as far as my happiness goes I’d rate it at a 9. The only other thing I could possibly make 10 is if I won the lottery.

TAG! You’re it!


Blogger Middle Girl said...

Just (a) summer? ;)

I don't have a window, but then neither does the boss.

I really like this list.

5:38 PM

Blogger r.d. said...

You play the lottery?

11:35 PM


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