Online musings of everyday life....

Monday, September 17, 2007


Basically, the trip was great! We saw so many things and below I have a handful of things we saw (but, not all) along with a little synopsis of each.
We climbed to the top of St. Pauls cathedral - all 482 steps to the very top! What was funny was that on the way up on our climb to the top there was little benches that you could sit down and rest with a sign above it saying "NO SMOKING". Like one would even be tempted to light up as they're gasping up 482 steps! Above is a pic of St. Paul in the distance with Millennium bridge in the foreground.

We went to the Tate Modern museum. Honestly, after going to the National Gallery and seeing all the greats - Van Gogh, Monet and Degas seeing coiles of rope at the Tate was very anticlimatic. The main reason I wanted to go is because the Tate used to be a power station (First pic above) and it's really cool to walk in on the main floor down the ramp - pictured above. But, it was under construction while we were there so we had to go in a side door - and, look at coiles of rope that's art.....

We also went to Westminster Abby (First pic above) which is probably one of the most amazing places I've ever been in. It's a must-see if you ever go to London. The next pic is of the Parliment and of course the Big Ben clock tower. We toured the Parliment but sadly the clock tower was being worked on while we were there (I guess the clock stopped ticking a few months back and they were fixing it).

And, the Tower of London (in the background is the largest vibrator in the world - err, the Swiss Tower, I mean) and we also saw the very first female Beefeater inducted into the Tower's fold. Rock on,
Then, as long as we're on the castle thing we went on to Windsor Castle (above). It was basically a day trip out of London on a 1/2 train ride. After touring the Castle we walked around and shopped in the town of Windsor and it was a great little town!

We took in the show "We will Rock you" one night that had dinner included in our tickets at a very nice restaurant. The show was great! It had a lot of Queens music in it and made me want to dig out my greatest hits cd once home.

And, unlike our Paris bus fiasco we managed to purchase open air bus tour tickets very easily and actually BOARD the bus and see lots of things! The bus had an audio tour that went with it and you simply plugged in your headphones provided and listened while it took you all over town.
Of course we had to do the famous Harrod's while there! I got lost for days in this place and found out too soon that most of the things for sale here were the equivalent to my mortgage payment!

All in all it was a great trip with the only letdown being that I won Prince tickets on Ebay weeks before I left and never recieved them in the mail. That was very heartbreaking for me as I was really looking forward to that and paid a lot of $ for them to boot! I guess Prince it just not meant to be.


Blogger afuntanilla said...

great pics! glad u had a fun time!! what happened on ebay? did the person just stiff u?

8:18 PM

Blogger Kelly said...

You brought back a lot of fond memories with those pictures, T2. I'm glad you had fun.

11:38 PM

Blogger High Maintenance Femme said...

Next time you're in town give me a shout, it would be great to meet a fellow blogger! :)

5:42 AM


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