Online musings of everyday life....

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Reflections on a Saturday

I stayed home all day and just cleaned the house. I have motorcycle homework to do that I still have not even started and the bathrooms still need cleaning.

Vacuuming up the amount of cat hair from the floor, leather couches (thank goddess for leather) and baseboards was probably enough to amount to another cat! When you have two felines that shed as much as mine your life is devoted to cleaning up hair and barf. Yes, you take an oath upon cat ownership "I being of somewhat sound mind NOW do solemnly swear to clean hair off of everything I own and mop up barf the rest of my life til death do us part". It's true. I have three rooms in my house that I keep the door closed so the cats cannot get in because I would like some part of my life free of cat hair. But, that doesn't stop the rest of the house from looking like a cyclone with hair dust tumble-weeds blowing across the floor. Or black smudges on every white appliance in my kitchen from them rubbing their little faces on them.

Also, I have noticed is that I never really watch tv during the week and when I do go to turn on the game when I am rarely home I like for my cable service TO WORK! Grrrrrr - multiple phone calls to the cable company much to no avail. Not even my cable modem works and I am surfing off some unknown wireless signal - thank you whomever you are.

I am using the excuse of not wanting to go out because my buddy K is roaring up at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning to go to the races and I need my beauty sleep and also that this is the most dangerous weekend for driving. Coming home from work on Friday I noticed the cops in my neighborhood were pulling people over left and right. I made a mental note to not be driving at all at night this weekend and with any alcohol what-so-ever in my system. Lets skip the "But, I only had one beer an hour ago and one drink per hour, officer" Uh-yeah-NO!

So, I'm at home with a fledging signal on one tv showing the UGA game and the other tv I'm watching queer as folk having a beer. I need to multitask when watching football even though it's nowhere near as boring as baseball!
B is at her folks lake cabin and is beside herself because since Cingular sold out to AT&T there is hardly any signal up there - not even enough for her to call me. When she does it's "Hello, hello? CAN YOU HEAR ME?" This, I've found after about 5 attempts annoys me to no end and I feel the need for another beer. (Good thing I'm drinking at the crib!) I shout "HONEY JUST TEXT ME!" and hang up.

Packing for London I have no idea what to take. I have a sweater packed, my raincoat, and a pair of black pants. Although, I hate wearing pants. I prefer jeans at all times. I know the rest I will pack is jeans and t-shirts and call it a day. I try not to stress out about my flight. I know I will take my magic calming pills with me so I won't have anxiety or everyone around me getting the HELL on my nerves. (which I should have done on this trip)

It's good that I'm going to the motorcycle races tomorrow with my buddy K. Another day at home alone and I would be climbing the walls! I've been looking at my bike all day looking forward to riding for once that's not work related. Buddy D will be up there, too. It should be good. Unless it rains....

That is all for now! Have a safe weekend! Don't drink and drive!


Blogger r.d. said...

I didn't, but at this moment it looks like I'm in more trouble by drinking and sitting. I either said something,did something or whatever and now I'm in trouble... I hope you had a good weekend t2, wow,Labor day really does suck-

9:36 PM

Blogger SassyFemme said...

How true about mopping up the barf. Seems like our life revolves around that!

8:01 AM


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