Online musings of everyday life....

Friday, September 28, 2007


Some people are very devoted to it

Some hate it.

Some people run to escape something

Some people run to something

Some run in groups

Some alone.

Some with even a dog

Some people do it for mental health

Some people do it to get in shape

Some to raise money

Me – I am all of the above but sometimes none at all-

I just get- r -done!


Blogger Maggie said...


I don't know where I am yet.

7:07 PM

Blogger afuntanilla said...

love it. thx for the SHOUT out, sista!

9:52 PM

Blogger Kelly said...

I'd run if I was being chased or if I somehow found myself on fire...

10:43 PM

Blogger SassyFemme said...

Biking and rowing work for me, running just isn't my thing. Doesn't work when one has big boobs. :(

8:09 AM


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