Online musings of everyday life....

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I have Succumbed!

Afunt - “What did you want help with
Me – Opening the back hatch of my Explorer exposing a big box “This
Afunt’s eyes getting big “WOW!”

B is more of a techie than I – and, I carry a Blackberry! Last weekend we were laying in bed and she said, “I wish you had a TV in the bedroom! Then, we could snuggle and watch the game.” Me – I was thinking Then we could spend more time in bed. More time in bed = more sex! Hmm, this is not a bad idea.” Out loud I said, “What kind of TV, honey?” She said, “Oh, high definition, flat screen, NOT plasma (not sure of the reasoning but NOT that). Plus, you should get a DVR, you’ll have to get a digital box from Comcast, AND you should get speakers and you’ll have to upgrade to digital channels, plus Showtime as you like that show."

Me thinking - All this for more time in bed?” Sigh

So, I looked at sales papers, I went to stores, I asked more questions to my techie gf, I went to more stores, I looked online, I read reviews. I educated myself on the subject. It didn’t matter because by the time I got to Brandsmart I must have looked like a fish ready to hook.

The salesman asked me what I was looking for and I had the thought of “go big or go home” just prior to saying 37”. He took me over to an HP that he was having a “special” on and that was all she wrote.

Afunt grabbed one end of the box and we slid it out of the car and carried it to my bedroom. It took us 5 minutes to slide it out of the box and lift it up to the dresser.

Her eyes were still big.

Later, that night I decided that I just HAD to hook this thing up. Which entailed drilling holes in my floor, crawling in the crawlspace under my house – in the dark. (OK can I just tell you how scary that was?) I finally got it hooked up – and the first show that was on was Friends. No high definition channels just yet until the cable company hooks up my new box on Thurs. but not a bad picture what-so-ever.

I am now high tech.

And, I have decided that weekends I'm not working - I should get spend every moment in bed with B.


Blogger Maggie said...

Okay, I'd do that for sex and Dexter.

7:08 PM

Blogger afuntanilla said...

when you leave town, me and the cats can keep the TV company!

9:08 PM

Blogger Kelly said...

First baseball, now high def TV in the bedroom. Yup. You've got it bad, girl! ;)

(And I couldn't be happier for you.)

12:12 AM

Blogger J said...

I love your rationale behind the new TV! I think that will be my new mantra...more time in bed equals more sex. Now I just need to find someone to spend time in bed with. Sigh, this isn't as easy as I thought!

1:06 AM

Blogger SassyFemme said...

If it'd make my wife want more sex I'd do it, too!

8:21 PM


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