Online musings of everyday life....

Monday, October 22, 2007

Unofficial Blackberry Pearl Review

I normally have a lot of patience and it's very unusual for me to loose my temper.

I lasted through a class with a father and son team that didn't want to wear their gear while on their motorcycles. (after telling them 4 times to put their gear back on I threatened to throw them out of my class - but, I told them this calmly)

I lasted through getting up at 4 a.m. during the 3 day and

I managed to not bury my crew captain.

I lasted through endless deadlines at work which I met.

I lasted through working three straight weeks without a day off.

I lasted through 3 blackberry pearls that kept malfunctioning. The last one kept shutting itself off at inopportune times.

Until - I had a moment of needing to get ahold of B and it just decided at that moment to shut itself off.

It had an unfortunate event after that.

It managed to hit the wall forcefully and somehow ended up crunching under my boot.

(those track balls are the first to go)

BTW - I do not recommend the Blackberry Pearl - they are a POS.


Blogger Maggie said...

Uh....well, that's good to know.

Did you finally get ahold of B?

10:15 AM

Blogger r.d. said...

Yikes, 3 straight weeks without a day off?! (that's all I heard) That all sounds like it sucks- sorry-

6:41 PM

Blogger SassyFemme said...

Getting up at 4 am, and going that long w/o a day off is crazy!

8:52 PM


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