Tagged Speaking Unspeakables
Bj had a very interesting post that I thought I would make myself get tagged from.
“I love you” – saying those words. That is never easy for me unless it’s to my gf. For some reason I have a very hard time saying those words to anyone other than her. My family never really said it to each other and if they did it was very emotional and you wanted to just run out of the room as fast as you could to get away from being so uncomfortable. I was also not a very affectionate child or adult. In fact, when I was a baby they called me “Little Mz. Touch-me-not” because I cried every time someone picked me up. I didn’t like to be touched at all. Every time my mother or grandmother would grab and hug me and say “My baby!” I would just cringe. I don’t know why that is.With my gf, however, I am very affectionate. Always telling her I love her, touching her, holding her hand and so forth.
Other unspeakable stuff:
1. I’m an ex smoker. Just the thought now makes me cringe because it’s so politically incorrect. There are people that have no idea that I used to smoke.
2. I like 80’s and disco music. I know – it seems so – well – 80’s. I have friends that actually make fun of me because I like that kind of music. Although, the same friends dance to the disco music I put on at my parties.
3. I am an unlicensed landscape architect because I never seem to pass the exams – after all this time. People always say “Oh, well you’ll pass them” I do not have any confidence that I ever will to be honest and it makes me feel really stupid.
4. Church or religion. I can’t stand to talk about that subject at all. When people talk about it I have a hard time even taking them seriously and try not to look at them like they just landed from Mars.
5. Politics. Sorry but I am ashamed to say that I am not political at all. Even the mere mention of it makes my eyes glaze over and I feel like I am going to die from boredom. In defense, however, I do muster up enough energy to vote for president because I think it is my duty and is important.
6. I can’t stand NPR radio. Just the talk, talk, talk on the radio is enough to drive me crazy. So, when some of my gf’s friends talk about it and #5 I just nod my head and pretend to know what they are talking about and that I am interested.
7. Despite the drought and water rationing I long to be politically incorrect and wash my car. (And, am a little bitter about it to be honest.)
8. I am truly a yuppie at heart even though some believe me to be environmentally/politically correct. Underneath it all I long to fill up the tank of my gas guzzling car (that I want to wash) and drive to Florida.
What about you guys?
I only say "it" when I honestly feel it. These days it's to C.love only and my entire family whenever I am on the phone with them. I think if you feel it strongly enough you can't help but say it, it's natural- I hear you on the affection thing, when I was young I never would hug anyone and just stood there with my arms straight down by my sides. I grew out of that, thankfully and will give hugs when I feel the urge, but don't like 'hugging' just for the sake of hugging if there's nothing behind it- you know?. I think it all has to do with how you feel about yourself- I had no clue when I was young. 80's music rocks by the way...
6:54 PM
I definitely say "I Love You" to Fran, to our daughter, to our family, and to dear friends. Of course it doesn't mean the same from one person to another, but if I love someone I will let them know it. I grew up hearing it from my parents, and want to make sure that people I love know it. I'm generally a very huggy person with people I love, too.
6:03 AM
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