Online musings of everyday life....

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Girl Time

Ok, all is good with the girl! I’m going to switch from calling her “hottie” to a more familiar name of “B”.
It turned out that we were both very busy this past weekend and we caught up with a long phone call when she was driving back on Sunday. On the phone:

Do you think I could see you before I go?” me
How about tomorrow?” her

So, we had our second date at the same place we had the first one although we sat outside this time and ate salads. It was a nice night and I suggested that we go to the park afterwards and walk around. We got in my car and I drove us with the top down and gave her a fleece to wrap around herself. We walked around the park talking. Again, it was such a great night outside and we saw people jogging, hanging out talking and laughing, one couple was even dancing together. We found a ball on the soccer field and kicked it back and forth and then grabbed each other rough housing a little bit trying to get the ball from each other. Later, we ended up on one of the bench swings overlooking the lake. We cuddled and held hands and talked about the frogs making noise.

When I drove her back to her car she hugged and kissed me on the cheek and got out. I was wondering if I had done the right thing not rushing the kiss all night. I thought obviously if she wanted to be kissed it would have happened by now. I got home and found an email from her saying thank you for the evening and that I was a comfortable person to be around and that next time “we’ll figure out the kissing thing” – reading my thoughts.

So, good thoughts and off to the beach - yeah!!


Blogger Middle Girl said...


2:16 PM

Blogger het (aka quickfit) said...

Trin thats warming, and shaping up so well... fantastic

ciao4now x

3:48 PM

Blogger Kelly said...

Woo hoo! Good for you!

5:15 PM

Blogger r.d. said...

Comfortable is good t2, nice way to set set the table... enjoy the beach.

8:46 PM

Blogger jromer said...

oh that's perfect. i love how you gave took care of her to make sure she was warm.
and when you do kiss, it will be spectacular.

1:14 AM

Blogger jromer said...

yikes. typos! take out the 'gave'. sheesh.

1:15 AM

Blogger storm indigo said...

way to go. patience pays off.

1:43 AM

Blogger SassyFemme said...

That sounds perfectly lovely and sweet!

7:51 PM

Blogger High Maintenance Femme said...

go you! :) there's nothing like some romance

2:15 PM

Blogger Maria said...

Nothing feels better than being in sync. Nothing. Well..okay..almost nothing. A few things can top it...

9:13 PM


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