Online musings of everyday life....

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

B.S. Quandaries - Part II

Ok, after much pondering I decided to hit the bathing suit/board shorts quest today on my lunch hour. After much work and my entire lunch hour in Sports Authority I found what I needed. I thought I would pass along a little advice to y'all in case you were getting ready for this quest yourself.

So, words of advice and helpful hints in shopping for bathing attire:

*If you need/want to buy more than one suit try to get a suit that fits nicely of the same brand in the same arena of colors so that you can mix and match them.

* The same goes for board shorts - if you plan to wear board shorts with your suit(s) look at them the same time you look at the suits so you can match the colors (if that is important to you).

*If the bikini bottom is immediately sucked into your butt crack the minute you try it on then it's probably not a good fit and should go back on the rack unless you want to make a thong bikini out of it.

*Take an array of sizes, styles, patterns, and types to the dressing room with you to try on so you don't have to put on and take off your clothes 50 million times to go back out to get another size.

-and, if you do go out to get another size -

* Don't lock yourself out of the dressing room with the bikini ON and have to go get the sales clerk (from guns/fishing) to unlock the door for you.

*For economy's sake it's very practical to buy two suits that match and one pair of board shorts that match both suits - although, again, this took my entire lunch hour of trying on to come to this conclusion.

*Buy tops that either tie in the back or have a metal clasp so it will not just SNAP off in front of (gawking) members of the opposite sex!

* Oh, and if you are a blonde like myself - review how to put these things ON prior to going out. (I'm such a butch I have to have my femmie gf show me how)


Blogger r.d. said...

Geez, all that only took you one hour? I'm impressed. Sounds like you better have B do a full inspection before you head out the door... or better yet, let her dress you.

11:17 PM

Blogger Middle Girl said...

* Don't lock yourself out of the dressing room with the bikini ON and have to go get the sales clerk (from guns/fishing) to unlock the door for you.

Priceless. ;)

Thanks for the tips. Me? Won't need 'em. I won't be buyin' any suits any time soon (or probably ever). Daughter may though, be happy to pass on the tips.

2:10 PM


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