Online musings of everyday life....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

On a Roll

The last few days have been a whirlwind. I mean, I know my mercury is in retrograde but, Goddess! It all started on Thurs. I get a call from the big boss’s secretary that he is summoning me. I high-tail it all the way down to his office and go in expecting what, I don’t know. (You never know with this man) He wants to send me out of state for a week to take a wetland delineation class and told me to get the secretary to book it.

Next, I am teaching a motorcycle class. The lead instructor calls me and says he’s sick and I have to take over the lead. I have a replacement that is a new guy. I get to class and it’s full of women! Three of them are "family members". One of the family members I’ll call her “Fi” and I are looking at each other. (I’ll let you imagine it from there)

The whole weekend was great despite my newbie instructor giving me a few deer-in-the-headlights looks like “I don’t know what to do next but I am sure you’re going to tell me”. The girls all did great including a non-family member girl who was crying in the bathroom at one point because her fingers were frozen solid. (All the “sista’s” were rolling their eyes and sighing “Straight girls!”) Towards the end of the second day Fi is riding down the range towards me practicing the swerve. She is going too slow and when she stops in front of me I say “Go a little faster next time, Sweetheart” Did I just say that? Fortunately, no one heard but her and myself.

After graduation, I met the girls out at a bar/restaurant near my house with my friends S1 and M to listen to music. We all had a blast (including Fi and I)!

I am exhausted on Monday morning because of the long weekend and the late night Sunday night. I skip bootcamp. Showing up last night I am asked if I would stay after class and talk to the main instructors. Uh-oh, I know I am in trouble. After class, they pull me aside and ask me if I would like to be an instructor – go figure! Which, would be a great deal considering I could basically work out with the bootcampers for free and my kickboxing membership would be free as well.

So, I’m on a roll! And, I’ve been playing the lotto like a mo-fo!


Blogger jromer said...

congrats congrats congrats!!!
i giggled when i read that you and Fi were 'looking at each other.'
giggled with glee. have fun!

11:03 AM

Blogger SassyFemme said...

So are you seeing Fi again?

9:06 PM

Blogger r.d. said...

I need some details on, what is that anyway. Looks like you've turned a corner t2, cheers to you!

11:41 PM

Blogger het (aka quickfit) said...

T2 halvers on the lotto please lady ! you are onto a go girl !


2:57 PM

Blogger Middle Girl said...

woo woo woo way to go!

4:17 PM

Blogger afuntanilla said...

that's so great they asked u to be an instructor! u gonna take it or what?

7:17 AM

Blogger storm indigo said...

wow, you are just kicking butt all over the place. If that is retrograde, sign me up.


2:41 AM


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