Online musings of everyday life....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Deal Breakers

Maggie brought up an interesting point of deal breakers. Not only is a list of dream qualities important, deal breakers are just as important and sticking to them. (Be strong, ladies!) Here are mine:

1. Having kids or has kids (unless they are in college or old enough that constant parental attention is not required) is a deal breaker for me. If new gf said after 6 months “Hey, I want to have a baby” picture Road Runner on Bugs Bunny and Friends taking off in a cloud of dust – that would be me.

2. Allergic to my cats.

3. Drugs – cannot be dependent on them.

4. Same goes with alcohol – has a few drinks but not every night goes through a bottle of wine or bourbon!

5. Ex husband, GF or even a domineering mother in the picture.

6. Not out to her family – I’m too old to be in the closet with my gf and her fam.

7. Not out to herself! Or comfortable with her sexuality.

8. Unemployed

9. Lives waaaaaay outside the fruit loop of Atlanta like in rednecky counties of Coweta, Butts, Forsyth, or Cumming

10. Has a bunch of dogs she has to run home to every night and we’d have to stay at her house all the time because of such. Plus, a house full of barking dogs is enough to make me run like road runner.

11. Her favorite restaurant is McDonalds or [insert name of fast food restaurant here].

12. Bible thumpers or people who try to get me to go to church with them or convert me to their religious affiliation.

What are your deal breakers?


Blogger Syd said...

Hey, what's your beef with rednecks? LOL

You list is pretty specific. Drawn from experience, perhaps?

11:15 AM

Blogger afuntanilla said...

how about someone who is afraid of RATS?

3:24 PM

Blogger Trinity2 said...

Syd - I know - not sure I'll find her with such an extensive list. Especially, in Georgia! ;-)

3:31 PM

Blogger Trinity2 said...

Afunt - yeah, really! Or should we say NOT afraid of rats!

3:32 PM

Blogger DB said...

I'm thinking there's nothing wrong with this list.

It's good to know what you need.

9:10 AM


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