Online musings of everyday life....

Friday, December 01, 2006


Mandy wrote a very good post on religion and relationships that got me thinking about writing this post.

Some of you know that # 12 on my
deal breaker list is “Bible thumpers or people who try to get me to go to church with them or convert me to their religious affiliation.”

Let me explain why I said that.

When I was a child my parents always dragged me to church. This wasn’t a church of any affiliation – just a little old one- room country church with what we called a "preacher".

(Picture Footloose, here) I had to go to church every Sunday with them until I was in high school and could make my own decisions (so they said). Things that happened with this church and the people in this church are far from what I think religion is. One thing that happened was at the time, my sister was growing up in the hippie era and so of course she had a boyfriend (on the sly because our father was very strict and wouldn’t allow her to date) who was in a band and who smoked grass. Well, my father (who was a deacon in the church) found out and forbid my sister to see him. He tried to lock her in the house and tried to get him thrown in jail. She ran away –twice. He found her. When he did he had the minister on hand to preach the word of the lord to her while my father beat her. I know this because I ran away from my mother who was trying to keep me from knowing what was going on. I remember that day like it was yesterday running around the side of the house and seeing the preacher with his bible open preaching away while my father beat my sister with a closed fist. I never forgot it.

What also happened was one of the preacher's sons molested me when I was six. He now has 5 daughters and I have always wondered if he molested them, too. He married the daughter of my parent’s best friends.

Eventually the minister had an affair with another woman in the church and his wife left him.

Fast forward to my last long term relationship where my lover left me right before we were supposed to get married in Hawaii. When we met she told me she was a very religious person
and went to church regularly. I eventually started to go to this church with her. I liked it – for awhile. I thought I was finally at peace with the whole religion thing. The pastor was gay in a primarily straight church who he was “out” to and they welcomed him and gays in the congregation. I got close to him and the church – I still miss him to this day, in fact, have thoughts of going back.

This is why I can’t right now.

First, we asked him to marry us in the church and he wouldn’t – I suspected he was afraid of pissing off his primarily straight congregation. Then, we broke up and my ex insisted on me quitting the church because it was her church first and therefore she had seniority. I didn’t want to go anyway because I wasn’t about to sit in there near her and her new gf.

I did try to go for awhile. In fact, I met the pastor several times for coffee. I felt like I could always talk to him as a friend. I thought he was a friend. Maybe he still is. But, what really hurt was when this event happened and I wanted to take up a collection in the church for this person’s family (they didn’t even have money to bury the poor guy) and the pastor said that the church already had so many donations for other things we couldn’t do it. He was right because every time I went it seemed I was hit up for money for various other funds. Hey, I will tithe – don’t get me wrong and donate food and clothes to the needy and even work but I started to feel like they saw dollar signs every time I walked into that place. So, I quit for good. Later I found out he married my ex and her new girlfriend in the church.

So, that’s #12 in a nutshell and why I feel that this bumper sticker is important.


Blogger r.d. said...

Bottom line t2: STAY AWAY FROM ALL ORGANIZED RELIGION. Since I'm glued to the couch again today, I've been on line for most of it. I started to read that post from Mandy but couldn't comment because I didn't want to go off on her-I don't know her, but I can't stand wasting my energy on anything having to do with "the church". Your stories are good (well horrible) examples of why the religion thing is never good. I'm sorry you had to deal with all that but happy that you've moved on. Stay on the path.

5:53 PM

Blogger Kelly said...

I tend to agree with R.D. I know that organized religion can work for some people but it doesn't work for me. I create my spirituality on a daily basis from a lot of sources. That suits me fine.

It broke my heart to read what you've gone through in the name of, or somehow connected to, religion. Through it all, you seem like a resilient, powerful, amazing woman.

12:40 AM

Blogger DB said...

Your story is disturbing to me on so many levels coming from a family that was ultra-religious on one side(mom) and virtually not on the other(dad).

The whole incident with your father beating your sister pisses me off. Obviously, your mom thought what was happening was wrong on some level or she would have been happy to let you watch "justice" be meted.

Why didn't she stop it?

Oh, wait, I forgot, Southern women under the control of God don't question what their men do. My bad.

Just pisses me off.

I hope you have come to some sort of peace within yourself over that incident and the others.

Though I have to say that my gf goes to church regularly and is a good person through and through. I don't go with her and she respects that I have my own issues surrounding organized religion. Not that I would ever tell you to change your deal breakers, just know that all church-goers aren't the shits that experience has taught you they are. It took me a long, long time to learn that lesson. Though, I am convinced the truly good ones are quite rare.

8:40 AM

Blogger Zoe said...

Why is it that the worlds greattest atrocities are committed for the sake of or in the name of god?

Stay away from organized religions. Life is what it is. We'll never know the answers to everything and that's okay.

6:08 PM

Blogger The Snarkess said...

I was raised Catholic and have a lot of respect for the good that organized religion does, and a lot of concern for the more systemic harm that it can do. I think the problem might be more to do with the "organized" and less to do with the "religion." Like any institution (schools, politics, marriage, mental hospitals) there is a tendency for many in power grouped together to exercise that power to serve their own needs, rather than those they espouse to attract more money and power. It becomes an organization, and the vehicle itself drives the focus away from the religious values, which are usually pretty sound in themselves (love thy neighbour, don't kill people, don't judge, help the poor, etc.)

I don't practice Catholicism any more, primarily because of that religion's views on gender, homosexuality, race, etc. They're antiquated values that no one person was strong enough to stand up to; that again is the problem with organized religion. Everyone is taught to respect the status quo, keep things the same - even when the foundation was based in a time which is long past, and irrelevant. Jesus himself was a radical holy roller...a revolutionary who had this idea that we should all be the same...but that radicalism has long been washed away by doctrine and dogma in favor of keeping dollars rolling in to a church that uses his name to do so. No wonder he never came back...

My philosophy is Buddhism, which deliberately denies being a religion, and which has no gods, angels, or anything else. It teaches that what you do on this earth is important, that the best virtues are compassion and charity, and that everyone needs to find their OWN way. The tolerant middle way. And that's about it. No churches and no rules.

I like it...but even still I draw my own values and beliefs from many sources, not just that one.

6:58 PM

Blogger Mandy said...

Great post. Very honest, and I liked it. It is very easy to see why a person who went through ALL the things you did would have a hard time taking faith in something that may leave a bad taste in your mouth.

Even though I have decided to get involved in my local church, it has been hard for me in the past to STAY involved. I dispise politics. And there are SO many politics in the Church.

At one point, I was going to get involved in a different church when I first moved to the area. When they found out that I lived with my boyfriend (and wasn't engaged or MARRIED to him), they asked me not to be involved in their church at all.

You know what I did? I left. Every church has their beliefs, and even though I could've gotten SO mad and burned the church down, I didn't. I let these Church-types be THOSE Church-types.

My religion is within a personal belief within myself anyway. No one can take THAT away.

10:31 AM

Blogger Zanne said...

Hi there! First thanks for stopping by my place. Secondly, this was a very painful read. Your experiences as a child are horrifying. I get so angry when I hear of such blatant abuse. My heart hurts that you and your sister went through such horrors. Believe it or not, I'm not such a fan of organized religion myself, which is strange, I know. I've also been a victim of abuse and betrayal at the hands of the church. I feel as if I want to apologize to you for all the hypocrisy and disappointment you've experienced. Wish someone had apologized to me. :) Maybe I'm hoping that I can become that which I longed to experience in others myself. We'll see what happens...
In the meantime, I hope you find healing, peace, and an abundance of joy. Blessings Trinity!

4:50 PM


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