Online musings of everyday life....

Monday, November 20, 2006

Thanksgiving and then some

I am sitting in my office this morning drinking coffee, feeling the warmth of my space heater and looking out the window. I know you’re thinking “Maybe that girl doesn’t need an office with a window if she’s always looking out it” but I do. I would shrivel up and die if I could not look outside. We are supposed to be moving soon and there’s talk we’ll all have to move into cubicles. I am biding my time of throwing down the gauntlet on that. Yeah, office with a window or else I quit and move. The quality of life is that important to me.

I’m trying not to focus on too many things this week and stress myself out. This holiday is supposed to be stress-free as I am not going anywhere, not expected to do anything or meet unfamiliar people – all big stressors for the holiday. I have outlined that the only things I need to do over the holiday aside from cooking my own meals is mop the kitchen floor, clean my office and study. Not bad for 4 days off. Those are my goals. Although, I am already thinking that if I got the menial chores done this week then I would only be left with studying and that’s what I really need to do. I have a test coming up on Dec. (when was that date? I'm looking it up...) 4th (good goddess – that’s soon!) that I haven’t even cracked a book for. I have taken this exam numerous times and not been able to pass. I am relaying on my knowledge, experience and skill to pass this time. We’ll see how that goes. Really. All I want for Christmas is to pass this test! (Santa)

r.d. wrote a really great post on the things to be thankful for despite what all has been happening the past few months. Which, made me thankful for my blog friends and their presence on my site. I have also listed 10 more things that I am thankful for:

1. My health

2. My friends who are my family

3. My job who ables me to own

4. My house and have

5. Independence

6. My cats who keep good company

7. That I do not have to spend the holiday with relatives

8. That I have a sweet potatoe pie in the freezer

9. and a pecan pie, too.

10. And, r.d., my laptop so I can keep blogging through the holidays ;-)


Blogger r.d. said...

Hey t2,
I too can not stand not being able to look out a window. I'm pretty sure I would go insane if I was locked in a room for longer than 8 hours. I need outside.

Good job with the list, but one question- what's up with all the pies in the freezer?

6:35 PM

Blogger Kelly said...

Great list, T2. Here's hoping that a calm, relaxing Thanksgiving is just the beginning of more positive and enjoyable times for you.

9:21 PM


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