Online musings of everyday life....

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Last night as Afunt and I sat at the table in French bistro typing on our laptops booking our trip to Chicago we started talking about more things we wanted to do, trips to take, things to experience. She said, “Why shouldn’t I experience what I want to?” I agreed.

I cannot speak for her but the reason I am in agreeance with this concept is because I have experienced great loss in my life. I have lost almost everything at one time. For years I grieved. Then, I was bitter. Now, I am thankful.

I look around at all that I have and am thankful for how far I have come. Especially, with the loss I have experienced and the lack of support from anyone except for my sister and my close friends. I get out of bed in the morning and come out of my bedroom and the cats lead me down the hall to the kitchen to make coffee and get them breakfast. I trill “Good morning!” to them. I am thankful they are still here. I know my days with them are numbered as every day with everything and everyone else is. I am thankful that I am able to get out of bed and have my health – today. I pour myself some coffee and walk through the house and touch pictures, run my fingers along the many bookshelves and take out one of my favorite books.

When people first meet me they see a youthful face. (No one can ever guess my age right – sunblock and lotion are my friends)Then, they look into my eyes and they know my age. My eyes give it away every time. They show experience, resilience, resolve and most of all age beyond my years.

So, why shouldn’t I book that
track class again? Why shouldn’t I go to Italy? Go to Chicago and meet new friends? Why shouldn’t I take life by the balls and twist?

I say to you, be thankful today. Experience life everyday for what it is. If you are close to your family then appreciate them for all they are worth (and, if not then move the fuck on and make your own family to appreciate). Because it could all be gone tomorrow.

Yes, experience what you want to!

See ya in Chicago.


Blogger Kelly said...

Thanks for the great reminder, T2. Each lifetime is short and some are shorter than others. Sometimes we spend so much time on regrets or "what ifs" and we fail to live. I know I've been guilty of that.

Life is about the experiences and what we learn from them. Here's to grabbing hold and enjoying the ride. Chicago and (world) here we come! :)

11:28 AM

Blogger jromer said...

thank you trinity

3:05 PM

Blogger Rainwolf said...

Well said.

3:51 PM

Blogger afuntanilla said...

exactly right. THIS IS IT. THIS IS IT!!! Go. LIVE. Do all you wish. You and i both no, there are no guarantees and life is not about being regretful.


3:02 PM

Blogger Middle Girl said...

Excellent message and reminder. Advice I pass on to my son and daughter and make every effort to heed myself.

Like Avis...I'll try harder. ;)

11:41 AM


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