Online musings of everyday life....

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Urban Cowboy and a Tall Drink of Water

As you know, I like to go out to country bar on Thursday nights and dance. And, since it’s ended up that several of my best friends and I are single, we were all out in full force last week. It was one of those great nights you never wanted to end – despite it being a work night. I cannot remember the last time we were all out on the same night, partying, single and dancing it up. As we were hanging out at our communal table by the dance floor, I pointed out this tall drink of water leaning against the rails watching the dancers and said to my friend S2, “She is attractive!” S2 replied, “Go ask her to dance!” so I did, she accepted and we went out on the dance floor.

As I’m twirling her she said, “What’s your name?” and immediately the scene from
Urban Cowboy where Debra Winger [Sissy]

asked John Travolta what his name was and him saying “Bud”. I was actually tempted to say “Bud” just to see if she would get it. Then, I thought it might be too weird for her. Some people just don’t remember movie lines –even corny ones – like I do.

The dance ended, we bowed and thanked each other for the dance (as is customary in two- stepping) and walked off the floor. As I joined the table again, S2 said, “I cannot believe you asked that girl to dance!” I said, “Why?” S2 said, “You have balls of steel, dude!”

Well, you never know what’s possible until you ask, right? Right. Fortunately, I have a big enough ego that can handle rejection – which, will come in handy later on.

Throughout the night I asked “Tall drink of Water” to dance a few more times. At one point, I actually interrupted a conversation with her and some other girl [that was trying to hit on her] to dance and she accepted – guess she wasn’t that interested in the girl or conversation.

Next thing I know, it’s 12:30 and I have got to get out of there. I tore myself away from the crowd, friends and dance floor, said goodbye and walked out to my car. As I drove around past the entrance of the bar, I saw her walk out to her car. I made a loop around the bar and came back and pulled up right beside her and rolled down the window. As she leaned in to talk to me, I said “I just have to ask you something - are you single?"She laughed and said, “Not really” I said, “Well, I just had to ask.” She thanked me for all the dances and I drove off –

Just as well - I didn’t get to see what shape her car was in anyway! ;-)


Blogger Zoe said...

Why does it matter what shape her car is in, unless you mean that in a is the back seat useable kind of way.

2:23 PM

Blogger Trinity2 said...

maybe ;-)

3:15 PM

Blogger Kelly said...

Good for you for getting out there, T2!

From the sound of your posts about the break-up, you really deserve to enjoy yourself. :)

3:20 PM

Blogger Maggie said...

Which is why you need a truck. It has a bed built right in!!!

5:17 PM

Blogger The Snarkess said...

Woo woo! Trucks are HOT.

Sounds like a great night out - and I love the idea of a place where people still ask people to dance, rather than just sneaking up behind them and mounting their leg, as is so frequently seen in clubs nowadays.

Way to go on those balls of steel Trin!!!

7:32 PM

Blogger Syd said...

Props to you for the balls. Self confidence is very attractive. Work it, girl.

10:11 PM

Blogger afuntanilla said...

wow! good for u! sounds like a blast.

12:42 PM


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