Online musings of everyday life....

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2006 Looking Back

This is a break in my regularly scheduled trip blog. Zermatt is still on the way but for now, 2006 look back.

Some highlights

*Several projects that I was working on in my previous job got built
*I got a new job
*My bathrooms got renovated
*I got back with my gf in April
*Gf and I went to Asheville twice – one time was good
*I learned a lot of new things in my job and made a lot more money
*I went to my track class and didn’t crash and burn
*Reconciled two old friendships.
*Broke up with my gf for good
*Did motorcycle crew for the 3-day walk
*I sat for one of my exams – which, the jury’s still out over pass/fail
*I traveled to Switzerland and Paris – two places I’ve never been before.
*I started blogging and met all of you
*Two friends’ of mine got married and I went to the wedding
*Lost weight after breaking up with gf (and walking all over Paris)

*Not loosing anyone I love this year to death

And, some not so highlights.

*I left my previous job because some of the projects I had worked on NEVER got built because of governmental bureaucratic b.s.

*There was construction shit all over my house for about 3 months while my bathrooms were getting redone.
*I broke up with my gf in March...
*...and again in November
*Gf and I went to Asheville twice – one time was baaaaaad
*Camping in the rain and cold for the 3-day walk
*My sister moved out of the country (but, I was happy for her)
*Our father wrestled complete control of our grandmother’s farm from us despite it being co-owned by my sister and I. (sounds a bit like Versailles, doesn’t it? – drama over land…)
*Two friends’ diagnosed with cancer
*Those two friends that got married -fight more than ever now
*Getting burnt out on motorcycle teaching and almost quitting
*Lost a few friendships because of break-up with gf
*Two of my friends lost parents this year.
*Started smoking like a mo-fo
*Gained weight while I was with gf

Looking ahead

*Quitting smoking
*Having my stomach look like this again
(However, my boobs will never look this [insert word here] without surgery)
*Dragging my ass to kickboxing 3 times a week (and, going to karate class, too)
*Running 3 times a week and possibly running a ½ marathon (I said POSSIBLY Afunt ;-)
*Studying, studying, studying for my exams and taking them
*Cooking more and not going out to eat so much even after I do….
*…meet someone
*Not falling apart when I turn 40 this year (I don’t want to think about that just yet)
*Going to the beach with my friends and sister for my birthday
*Doing the 3-day crew again
*Finishing my damn book (I swear I’m going to do that if it kills me!)
*Getting my poor, poor explorer worked on
*Going to Chicago
*Not loosing anyone to anything
*Not getting hurt and staying well
*Passing tests and getting closer to my license
*Making new friends and not loosing any friends

Note: * links to previous posts


Blogger afuntanilla said...

quit FREAKING smokin. You'll NEVER be able to keep up with me if you don't! How's that for some TRASH TALKIN'!!

3:47 PM

Blogger r.d. said...

I had a physical, mental and emotional breakdown the night I turned 40. I did drink too much but it was something I was never looking forward to so that didn't help. I'm fine now that it's over, I'm good to go! Happy New Year.

7:38 PM

Blogger Kelly said...

I was worried about turning 40 too, T2, mainly because I was in the midst of major emotional upheaval. I had been unemployed for over 6 months and was trying to recover from a painful break-up.

Surprisingly, I felt okay with it when the day actually came. I was surrounded by people who turned 40 before me and they were very positive about how great their lives were. It worked! It's been almost a year and a half and like R.D. said, I'm good to go.

I wish you love, success and killer abs for the New Year! ;)

10:31 PM

Blogger The Mad Hatter said...

I'm having heart attack about turning 30 this year ... but I guess you and I can be grateful that we get to grow another year older, as we've both lost a parent or both parents in my case.

I wish you all the luck, love and success in 07 chick, here's to new friendship too. I know we're just *getting to know eachother* but you seem like a cool chick to me and like someone I'd call my friend :-)

Happy new year hunny XxX

9:05 AM

Blogger Becky said...

Just a note, her boobs don't look like that without medical intervention either.

3:26 PM

Blogger Zoe said...

I'll second those abs, they are my weakness. And I have to agree with beckyd, no one with abs like that has boobs like that without a little help.

8:40 PM


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