Online musings of everyday life....

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Girl Time

Ok, all is good with the girl! I’m going to switch from calling her “hottie” to a more familiar name of “B”.
It turned out that we were both very busy this past weekend and we caught up with a long phone call when she was driving back on Sunday. On the phone:

Do you think I could see you before I go?” me
How about tomorrow?” her

So, we had our second date at the same place we had the first one although we sat outside this time and ate salads. It was a nice night and I suggested that we go to the park afterwards and walk around. We got in my car and I drove us with the top down and gave her a fleece to wrap around herself. We walked around the park talking. Again, it was such a great night outside and we saw people jogging, hanging out talking and laughing, one couple was even dancing together. We found a ball on the soccer field and kicked it back and forth and then grabbed each other rough housing a little bit trying to get the ball from each other. Later, we ended up on one of the bench swings overlooking the lake. We cuddled and held hands and talked about the frogs making noise.

When I drove her back to her car she hugged and kissed me on the cheek and got out. I was wondering if I had done the right thing not rushing the kiss all night. I thought obviously if she wanted to be kissed it would have happened by now. I got home and found an email from her saying thank you for the evening and that I was a comfortable person to be around and that next time “we’ll figure out the kissing thing” – reading my thoughts.

So, good thoughts and off to the beach - yeah!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

And so it begins.....

“What will you have on?” her

“A Ducati Mechanicca sweatshirt” me

“What’s a Ducati”

Lol – it’s a type of motorcycle

Ok. I will have on an A & W t-shirt with a long sleeve white shirt underneath

After a few days of emailing back and forth – between my crackberry and her blackjack we finally had a date. It was to be a casual date at a beer joint in Midtown. Casual atmosphere and (I hoped) not too loud.

I got there a few minutes early and was already at the bar with my Heineken Light. (I don’t want to hear it, r.d.!) Just then I felt a presence beside me – she had walked in and taken the stool next to me. I looked over and she said “Hi!” She was even better looking in person. We talked and laughed until I needed to get home because it was starting to get late and I didn’t want to push our first night.

She drove me to my car and we lingered and talked. I knew she wanted me to kiss her. But, again, I didn’t want to push our first night – and, I want her to come back for more. ;-)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech

I wanted to write a post about new girl but that is going to have to wait. I want to make this post a tribute to the friends, families, roommates, professors, and students of Virginia Tech. What a shocking loss this has been. My heart goes out to all of you!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Finding Her and an Open Letter

I think Spring has definately hit a lot of you out there. I am reading posts about moving on and embracing someone new, posts on meeting somone new and kissing and yes, posts on finally getting some Grovestand Action. (If you didn't catch the meaning of Grovestand go here) And, all I’ve got to say is this…….


[smile] Ok, patience. Yeah, my mother always told me that I was born with none of that and it’s true. And, I can’t tell you how many times I have scrolled down through my address book hoping my eye will fall on a name that would make my heart go pitter-patter. Maybe an old flame, a friend that’s recently single or someone that our paths haven’t crossed for awhile. Yeah, I have all of them in my phone but none of them are making it happen with me right now and that’s unfortunate. As I said before, I think I just haven’t met her yet. And, I don’t think I am going to meet her in country bar, either. I think country bar is starting to become a negative sap of my energy. It’s a tough crowd in that place and I ask myself would I really want to meet anyone there anyway?

Anyway, since there’s also a lot of open letters out there here’s an open letter to the woman I haven’t met just yet who could be “the one”.

Not only does it hit me when I see you but it’s hitting you at the same time. We are magnetically drawn to each other – maybe not knowing why at first but it keeps happening -yeah, the thud, thud, thud as I said before. But, beyond that, getting to know you – you love to go to movies with me and hold my hand in the theater. You gladly stay out late with me on a school night – time means nothing unless it’s showing up punctually. You want to lay in bed with me mornings of the weekends and snuggle. We sit at the table together and eat breakfast – one of us may read the paper while the other one plays with the other’s foot. We are connected during the day despite only speaking once. You send me playful texts but not to the extent of me getting a blister on my thumb. We listen to 80’s music in the car and tell funny stories about what we were doing at the time that song came out. You listen to my stories and never tire of them. I listen to yours and want more. Of course we have chemistry in bed and everywhere. You are outgoing with my friends but still are by my side. You work out – probably as much as I do. Maybe you’re in even better shape than I. You do impulsive things such as show up with flowers or I find some suddenly planted in my empty flower boxes. You bring my cats treats. We wash each other’s cars together. You know when there is something on my mind or I am upset or depressed about something. You listen and you allow me to work it out. You also don’t fault me my bad habits but encourage me when I haven’t been falling into them. You show up at an important event to offer support or cheer me on.

You are my biggest fan and I am yours.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Ok, I took the weekend to think about it and have decided "Fuck it" I am not going to restrict my blog. This is who I am, peeps - and, I've always been about not hiding anything and keeping it open to everyone - everyone except love interests (- but, who knows - maybe in the future-but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.) Thank you all for providing your emails and I decided to take the last post down to protect your privacy. I had no idea that my email address didn't show on my profile -sorry, that was a blonde move on my part. I honestly thought I had it there.
So, how was everyone's weekend? Mine - good. Went climbing in 'bama with an old (she'd hate that I said that - C, if you're reading...) college buddy. It was a very cold day outside that day but down in the crevice we were protected from the wind. It was good to see my friend again and her partner. They have just moved into a place on the lake that's beautiful and I was only their second visitor!
Back in the ATL today I've just been hanging out and catching up on things. Feeling a little blue about being single. I guess it was all the domesticity I was around this past weekend. And, that's all I'm going to say for now - you all have heard it all before and honestly, I am tired of hearing myself.
So, with that ladies I bid you goodnight, sleep tight! I will check ya later this week.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

I'm just Writing

It's been an extremely good week since I got back from the big land of PA. Surprisingly so! Work has been very busy but good and I have taken a few nights off this week just to putter around the house and do chores. I'm finding that I am starting to enjoy those things more instead of dreading them like I used to.

Walking in the door from being gone for several days it was so nice to be home. There was a note on the counter from ex saying everything was good with the cats and to text her when I got in to let her know if I made it back ok - which, I did. Ok - that was nice but I'm moving on.

I think I am beyond the stage of questioning the breakup, questioning myself for doing it. I think that's one of the levels of breakups - first, anger, then sadness, then missing them, then wondering why you ever did it and only remembering the good times and questioning yourself. I've moved beyond those things but what's next - hmm, finding another girlfriend and date, date, date. I'm not so sure about that - the pressure of dating. Right now I am just enjoying hanging out with friends. And, honestly even though there are a few candidates for dating I am just not feeling it. I am holding out for the romantic notion of thinking I haven't met her yet. And, when I do the clouds will divide, the sun will shine down on her and my heart will go thud, thud. (of course all this will be happening to her, too, when she sees me ;-)
I mean, why the fuck not hold out? I have nothing to loose and everything to gain, right? In the meantime, I am just going to cut the grass in my shorts.
Of course, all this could change after going to country bar tonight. You just never know what's going to happen there!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Beach Time - Finally!

Most of you already know that I have been chomping at the bit for quite sometime to go to the beach. I have not been to the beach since this time with ex gf.

I was planning to go to this but I couldn't get any of my friends to go with me so I bagged it. Then, I was going to go for my birthday and my sister mentioned buying me a ticket to London instead. (Plus, I don't want to wait all the way until then to go!) Then, S1 is going down to house sit for a friend's house right on the beach the end of April and wanted me to come and I have to teach that weekend.

So, can you see a pattern here? It comes a point where you just have to say JUST DO IT! And, MAKE the time to do it.

So, I swapped classes with my friend, K and now am going with S1. Ya-hoo! Beachtime here I come!