Online musings of everyday life....

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Today's Quote

"When you feel the need to have the right person show up in your life, affirm:
I know the right person is arriving in divine order at precisely the perfect time."

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Is it considered an......affair?

(Painting by:Mark Kostabi Titled: Internal Affair)

The previous post brought up some good discussion about blog readers and whom we all feel comfortable giving our addresses to.

As I said before, only a few of my friends in Atlanta have my address. Several friends have asked for it and some I have told the standard “censorship” line and others I just say “Yeah, sure” and never send it to them.

Over the holidays when I was in Switzerland I did break down and give my address to my sister. This was HUGE for me. (Yes, J – I know you’re reading this) but it came with a “don’t ever give me shit or freak out about what I write about” clause.

Who I DO care about reading my blog is someone I am romantically invested in. Yes, I started my blog months prior to (ex) gf and I breaking up. She had no earthly idea that it ever existed and I kept it that way. This was a person I knew would give me shit about it. Either it would be over something I wrote or something I didn’t write. To this day I am thankful I never mentioned it to her. I plan to be firm about future romances, gf’s, etc. This blog does not exist to them. I consider my blog to be my online journal of sorts. And, I would NEVER want someone I was dating, gf - ex or current to read my journal – EVER!

What do you do? Does your significant other know your address? And, if so does this ever cause problems? If not, then do you consider this somewhat of an affair?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy Monday!

Just a little update to let you all know that no I did not freeze to death over the weekend. My frozen stiff body was not found on the side of the road somewhere having been blown off my motorcycle from the heavy gusts of wind whipping me and my bike all over the highway. Again, thank Goddess for all the cold weather gear I took with me this weekend. And – my class and co-instructor was excellent!

So, (lets back up a bit, shall we?) Thurs. night at country bar KC asked me for my blog address. I baulked and said that only a few of my friends here in Atlanta knew about it’s location (and, one of them is Afunt who is one of us) and that I tried to keep it that way as I didn’t want to worry about censorship. I said I always want to be able to write from my heart and that it was kind of an online journal. She accepted that and asked if I would send her one of my entries to read. I nodded and said “sure”. But, the whole time I am thinking “If she wanted to get to know me more why not ask me to do something instead of me sending her one of my posts?"

(I echo the same feelings as this blogger)

I blew it off and never sent her anything.

Friday while I am teaching class a text message came in from KC saying “Happy Friday” and that’s all. And, as you know in my previous post I wished everyone a "HAPPY FRIDAY". So whether or not this is just a strange coincidence or she had in fact found my blog it doesn’t matter. I will still continue to write from my heart and give readers my truth. And, if someone finds my blog that doesn’t like what I say? - well, they can just stop reading it. It’s one of those things – if you don’t like purple socks then don’t fucking wear them! (Even if they are the warmest pair in the drawer!)
(No, I wouldn't be caught dead in these!)

Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday Post

Ok, I feel like I need do a HAPPY FRIDAY post and send you all into what I hope will be a good weekend! I, for one, hope to have a good weekend but I am not setting my expectations very high as when I called each and every student in my class to tell them to be early on Friday and ask whether or not they have ridden before all I got was a “(cough, indecipherable mumbling) ….yeah, sure – but a looong time ago” This coming from my 60 year old guy in the class must have been a totally true. –sigh- my work is cut out for me this weekend. And, going to find my flask to fill with bourbon to pack on the motorcycle I realized that I had left it at the ex’s house (which, I am sure is empty by now). Argh! Ok, this is not good! A trip to the liquor store is in order!

I got everything packed on the bike and it looks like I’m going on the 3-day crew again. I have more cold weather gear that you could shake a stick at –hopefully, that will be the only thing shaking this weekend. Thank Goddess for heated jackets and gloves, Under Armour, and hand warmers!

Last night I went out to country bar and Afunt joined me! I think I actually got the line dance I learned for the 3rd time and danced it several times last night. Even KC showed and saw me dance it and commented on how very good I was. (Uh-huh – if you only knew, sweetie.) No new things on the horizon with her. We had a first date and as I said it went well but I haven’t ever gotten an invitation of a second date since. I get the feeling that she’s the type of girl that is asked out all the time and never does the asking. Too bad for her. We danced and again I felt that rising chemistry that I always feel when holding her and swinging her around. I love it when we dance. She smells good and feels so right in my arms. I know I have to be careful with this one.

Have you ever met someone that you just know they could break your heart if you let them? She’s one of those. I have a steel guard around my heart when it comes to women like that. I easily see myself being sucked back in to the caregiver role – doing everything, giving everything and getting nothing in return.

This is why I cannot ask her for a second date.

Oh, but after KC left I got into a conversation with a cute little dental hygienist. She asked for my number. I gave it to her.! (from wherever I went, I don't know)

I wanted to write all this last night when I got home – one of these days I am going to write a post half tipsy when I get home from country bar and see if I want to crawl under a rock the next morning for what I wrote. HA!

Has anyone ever done that?

Have a great weekend, sista’s!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Paris Observation.....

While we're on one of my favorite subjects of Fashion Faux Pas I just HAD to include this picture I took in Paris:

(Yes, Minnie Mouse shoes are alive and well in Paris!)

My sister and I fell over laughing when we saw these! Good times!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


.....of yesterday, today and this week:

That my cats run very fast when I pick up my sticks to play the drums.

-and, I find that amusing in a sick way.

That I do not want to get out of bed when the temperature is under 40 degrees (esp. since I have an electric blanket)

That I want to get in bed when the temp in under 40 degrees.

That I must be over my breakup
because after reading the last few emails from ex they actually made me laugh and think “freak” and file them away for another time that I want to be amused.

That I’m going to freeze my balls off teaching this weekend.

That I don’t have balls – oops! -they must have frozen off already!

That I want to be
somewhere warm right now.

That I am ready for spring to be sprung!

That I do not need
another motorcycle!

That I hate doing motorcycle maintenance in my cold carport!

That I only want to drink Guinness or Bourbon right now. (Hmm, which reminds me to pack the bourbon flask for this weekend
(Its for after class, and from the looks of them I feel like I’m going to really need a stiff drink!)

That Under Armour is a good thing.

That I am very angry with my cell phone company for charging me for international data roaming while in Paris and Switzerland. (“Fuuuuck you, Cingular!)

That I have to give up my second born to Cingular (the first born went to BMW)

That I think I am ready for the
iPhone and scrap the crackberry (Yes, I will give it to you Afunt when I am done with it)

That people look really stupid in Capri sweatpants! (wait - didn't we already talk about that?)

Monday, January 22, 2007

L-Word Rant

I think I’m going to cancel my Showtime if this doesn’t start picking up here. First of all, did anyone notice (who is watching this) that last night’s show was only 45 minutes? Yes, we got gypped out of 15 minutes. Did the writers of this episode think “Ok, we’re going to end this one because it’s really going nowhere anyway.”? Or “We’re just out of material and we’ll get back to you.”? What?

Ok, let’s break it down:

Papi – what in the hell was that stupid western fantasy in the bar when she saw Shane? Goddess! That was so stupid I almost turned the station! Complete with the strand of hair blowing across her nose. I wanted to puke right there!

Helena – ok, you take a job at Shane’s Wax place and you have to dress lika HO and dye your hair red on the side?? What was that?

Bette – going to Tina’s STRAIGHT MAN party! WTF? I wouldn’t be caught within MILES of that place – baby or no!

Tina – So, you’re dating a guy now so that means you want to actually hang out with straight, chauvinistic “piggy” beer drinking men?! EEEECH!


Jenny – whatever -same shit different day. Take a little criticism why don't you!

Angus – If I have to look at this skuzzy man for much longer I will certainly hurl. (Did anyone notice he’s not listed as a character on the website? And, if he doesn’t even merit a mention then why do we have to keep seeing his mug?!)

Phyllis - is it just me or does Cybill Shepherd look cross-eyed in most scenes?
(I mean, seriously - she looks cross-eyed here)
AND - why do we have to endure the previews of The Tudors before we get to the scenes of next week? Does anyone believe they can build a story off of this little queen fighting over a mistress and a (real) queen?
(Pu-lease! Most of the time they show him in some lacy collar that even I wouldn't wear!)

I'm just convinced that Showtime is trying to include the gay male population with this show so they won't feel left out by all this L word stuff.

But, they can have them both! I'm outta here!

Friday, January 19, 2007

"Run Forrest! Run!"

Ever had any moments where you wanted to run out of the house screaming and never come back?

Let me explain. Has anyone ever had a one night stand (maybe it was one night because you saw one of the following below and decided that was it) or you've gone out with someone and the first time over at their house you saw something that made you want to run? Or you DID run?

Mine - in the past and future:

1. Decorative flower soaps in a dish on top of the toilet (especially if they are dusty)

(The bathroom holds many horrors for me - that's why I always hold it for as long as possible when over at a new person's house)

2. Winnie the Pooh shower curtain
3. The contents of the medicine cabinet - I will go no further on this because it's different for everyone.
4. Any birth control or pregnancy test remnants in the trash (or in the medicine cabinet)
5. Movie themed bedspread or
6. More than two stuffed animals on the bed.
7. (Many) self help tapes/cd's laying around the stereo
8. A bong that is actually part of the living room decor
9. (Many) cardboard (cheap) beer cartons stacked up outside for the recycling bin (unless they have had a party that I know about)
10. A car up on blocks at the end of the driveway (esp. if it's the ex's that hasn't come to get it yet)
11. Roach clip holding the curtain in place
12. Any syringe anywhere (Don't care what it's for, don't want to know)
13. Camouflage cover on the couch (they're much butcher than I and I'm outta here!)

14. Any taxadermied ANYTHING on the wall(s)
15. Cabinet holding shotguns (Again, # 13 - I'm outta here!)
What are yours? Did you run?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

In da crib with da cats

This is for Jromer - like her I am sick and staying in with the cats. There's nothing better than a sleeping cat purring by your side when you're sick!

Full Tilt to Nothing.....

It never fails to happen. One minute I am running full tilt boogie and the next I am sitting in a doctor's office being told to get more rest, less stress and here's my perscription.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised what with the New Year's resolutions, the work stress, breaking up, etc. Something has to give eventually.

An addition to my new list is to have less stress in my life. So, something in the meantime has to give. (And, no - it's not the cigarettes - I'm still quit - 17 days and going strong.)

What has to give is my social calendar for now. I cancelled the hockey game on Thursday (MUCH to my chagrin!) the dancing and yes, the women - I put myself on dating restriction.

(I know, I know - the ladies of the world will just have to wait until I am feeling better ;-)

And, Bootcamp - which, is the worst part - has to be moved back to February because my (female) doc says "No Bootcamp until you're better!"

Gosh, it really is a tragedy - giving up hockey, women and bootcamp (for now). What the hell am I going to do?! Hmm, speaking of female doctors...I guess I'll catch up on Grey's Anatomy and fantasize about this woman!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Tequila and Lists

I walked into Tequila/Taco bar last night to have a drink with S1 before heading in to country bar. We had both talked about making lists earlier that day -a list of things we were over and done with - things (or people) we just weren't going to do anymore.

And, a new list of things we were going to do.

We sipped Corona's and ordered a shot of tequila and read the lists to each other. After reading the "over with" lists we ripped them up into tiny pieces on the bar, toasted the new lists and shot our tequilas. We were ON!

We walked into country bar and I could tell it was going to be one of those nights. One of those nights where everything seems to just fall into place.

S1 starts talking to a woman who is a fashion designer in Atlanta. Unexpected friends walk in which was a nice surprise. A friend of ex gf walks by and waves and smiles at me. Then, I am grabbed by KC who said "Come twirl me" - echoing the last email I had sent her 3 weeks ago.

There's something to be said for Tequila and lists -

Guess who has a date with KC tonight! YA-HOO! What a beautiful end to an absolutely trying week!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

She is Back

Ok, back to our regularly scheduled program.

This has been a tough week, people. I have had to get tough to get through this week and about a lot of things in order to survive mentally. Yeah, sometimes it’s a real drag getting tough and it takes awhile to come around.

(yes, and I admit that kickboxing has been a Goddess-send!)

Some of the things that have been going on is trying to get back into the swing of things at work after a long vacation. Some of you know that I have been sexually harassed at work by another co-worker and that has made things very difficult for me. I had to deal with it – which, I felt I did quite well, but it still puts a damper on being back at work. I have had to fight feelings quitting my job all week and really evaluate my career, my job and in doing so try to put all the negatives of the job out of my mind and focus on the good things. So, that helped – I am still employed so that’s a good thing -plus, I am not a quitter. (Update: I just found out today that the contract I was working on may not be renewed and I might be out of a job anyway)

It has also made me realize even more that I am basically professionally trapped until I get licensed and need to be as vigilant as ever to achieve this goal.

I’ve quit smoking and have had to deal with the nicotine withdrawals. Which isn’t a good thing to go through. There have literally been times where I could have chewed an aluminum can in two and felt like my eyes were popping out of my head.
Not to mention afternoon sweats and headaches. Plus the feeling that EVERYTHING IS MAGNIFIED in intensity – feelings, smells, sounds and light. UGH!

And, a nice cherry on top –

I am trying to get through all of the above and working quietly and peacefully at my desk, concentrating on a project that I enjoy when I get an email from a reality company that (ex) gf and I did business with when we went to St. George – confirming her reservation for the end of (this) May. Lovely. Just lovely! BUT, I handled it well – I simply forwarded it to her saying “hey, got this by accident and thought I would forward it on” I got a “so sorry” email back. I am sure she was mortified – which makes me laugh and I am also relieved that I don’t have to go back there.

So, now I am ready for this week to be over with – I feel that I’ve lived actually two entire weeks this week.

And, Boot camp – bring it (the fuck) on!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Mountains, Skiing and (alot of) Beer

The next day my sister and I decided to try to get to the highest point (that we could physically get to) in the mountains. First, we had to walk to where the trams took us up the mountain. We had to buy a ticket for the day, which wasn’t cheap. (we were figuring that out really fast) Once we bought the tickets we hopped on the first little tram (which was a glass bubble that held about 4 people). It took us up to the first mountain – “Blatten” (and, if you can say this without spitting all over yourself then I will buy you a beer!)

The minute we hopped off there was a photographer there taking pictures with his dogs with the Matterhorn in the background. We couldn’t resist:

After that, the next tram took us up to “Riffelberg”. Then, we got on a larger tram that we had to wait awhile for to get to “Trockener”. We were slammed in with about 50 other people with skis and snowboards. (which, is a little intimidating considering we’re dangling miles above the earth like sardines). Then, again, we got on another tram to the highest point - “Matterhorn Glacier Paradise” which is at 12,736 feet.

We had hot chocolate in the little restaurant up there (can you imagine working so high up everyday?) and then started down. By the time we got back into town we inquired about ski lessons. I gruff man at the ski lesson counter told us all private instructors were sold out that day. We were also finding out that absolutely no one (except for the tourists) had a personality in this town. So, we found a place to have a drink after walking around and realizing that we couldn’t even afford a polar fleece hat with little horns on it (54 CHF which equates to $66.53). Once in the bar we also realized that most restaurants and bars do not serve food until after 7 (but, you can sure as hell drink before then!) and only until 8:30. So, try not to gnaw your arm off until then and set your alarm because anytime after that – no food! So, that’s when I order a BIG beer! (r.d. would appreciate this)

The next day we went back to the ski instruction place. No gruff man this time, a very nice woman said, “Oh, Daniel is available” (for 240 CHF – you do the math). “Oh, that sounds nice, ok, we’ll take Daniel.” – little did we know….

The woman pointed us to a place on the map that we were to meet our instructor – “Sunnegga Paradise” and that we could rent our ski equipment there. So, we walked to the place we thought we should be. Another nice guy rented us our skis, poles and boots and said we could leave our regular boots there. We (again) pointed to the map we were given and asked how to get to the place we needed to be to take the lift to meet our instructor and was told (again) that we just had to go across the street and meet the bus and it would take us to Sunnegga. We hobble out of the ski place walking like elephants with broken legs. (how do people walk in these things?) As I said before the roads and sidewalks of Zermatt were caked with ice and snow and one moment you'd be walking along just having a jolly good time and next be on your ass. This happened several times – walking along, talking to my sister, realize she’s not beside me, look back and she’s laying in the road. So, just in regular walking boots it was precarious at best let alone these stiff, plastic boots that didn’t have any give to them.

By the time we hobble to the bus stop (I am covered in sweat) there is no bus and we’re going to be late meeting our instructor. It is then my sister wants to start asking people if this is the right place. I mean, we’ve already asked half the town and they all gave the same ambiguous answer so what’s the point? We show a taxi driver the map and ask if the next bus will take us to this place of Sunnegga. He grunts in German (by this time I am getting so tired of non-directions, looked at like I’m an idiot and nothing -no spoken or written anything in English – yes, my fuse is getting short). A bus pulls up and we pile on with 100 other people in ski equipment and I fight my way to the front to the bus driver and ask is this will take us to the stop we need. He shakes his head and grunts in German what I think is no. We get off the bus. The next bus comes and the taxi driver points to it and grunts in German – that must mean “yes”. So, we get on the bus – we’re the only ones on the bus and the bus driver grunts something to us (we don’t understand, of course) and drives straight to the bus garage, backs the bus in, grunts something else in German, gets off the bus (locking us in!) and jacks the bus up like he’s fixing it.

This is when I have a GRAND ol’ AMERICAN hissy fit. I ranted and raved for the exact amount of time it took for the guy to fix the bus. My sister was like “Shhhh, he’ll hear you” and I was like “I DON’T CARE! He probably can’t understand me anyway! NO ONE IN THIS TOWN DOES!!” So, the bus driver comes back on the bus (I feel much better by then) smiles and nods to us and takes us to the place for the lift to Sunnegga. This wasn’t the place we thought we needed to be. In fact, it was all the way across town and instead of buses and hobbling all over town we could have just gone there. Sigh.

This ski lesson better be good.

Piling onto this train car (after buying yet another ticket) that actually takes you in a tunnel up the mountain we got off at Sunnegga. And, met our instructor, Daniel. Who was a very crotchety Italian guy. Wonderful. (I need a BIG beer by this point) Daniel made us ski down this baby slope teaching us turns and so forth. When we did the turns he wanted us to exaggerate everything – meaning that since we leaned on the outside leg to turn he wanted us to put both our hands down at that knee. So, we looked like a cross between solid gold dancers and crazy people going down the bunny slope. No one else had to do this with their ski instructors. I longinly looked at this cute female instructor helping a kid up and saying "Oh, are you all right?!" Sigh.

Finally, we graduated to a real slope and my first attempt down was rolling down in a ball ass-over-tea-kettle and launching myself into a drift on the side of the mountain. (my sister laughing in the background) Daniel skis up and just looks down at me and said, “Yooo go too fast! Yooo need to turn! Yoooo no fall DOUN next time, no?” I get up brushing the snow thinking about this:

The next time we go down the slope Daniel wants us to put both our ski poles together and when we do the turns instead of putting our hands down (solid gold style) by our knees to put both poles there. He said, “Yooo go UP with dez poles and yoooo go DOUN wid dez poles, no?” and started skiing down the mountain doing dis, I mean, this.

(This is me imitating Daniel "....zee go DOUN wid dez poles")

I turned to my sister and said, “Did you do this in your ski lesson in Fisch?” and she said “No, dis – this bullshit”.

So, here I go again trying to do this ridiculous thing and again roll end over end down the mountain only this time hitting the icy side of the slope. By the time I manage get up Daniel is shaking his head and saying “Noooo, noooo you dint go up wid dez poles or DOOOUN!” I feel my American fit coming back thinking, “You stick de pole UP de ass and then I push you DOOOUN de slope, buddy!”

Riding up the lift my sister asked me what time it was and I said 2:15 and she was like “OH OH! – we have 45 more minutes and have to go down the slope 3 more times!!” We had hired him for 3 hours!!

Yeah, it was bad- by the end we paid Daniel good(riddance)bye and he pointed to the slope we’d been going down and said “Yoooos practice on dis slope tomorrow morning and den de afternoon you go to zat slope, no?” and pointed to another slope. We nodded vigorously and said “BYE!”

We did practice on the one slope the next day and didn’t hardly fall down at all (funny how one can do so much better without a grouchy Italian). But, (no surprise here) we had bought the wrong lift tickets up and had to buy another ticket every time we went down the slope. After making it without falling twice and seeing two helicopters land taking people off on backboards I turned to my sister and said, “We made it DOUN de slope without falling – twice!” She nodded “Yez” I said, “I say dis a success and that we stop while we’re ahead” She agreed and we went and sat out at the restaurant overlooking the slopes. As I’m having a beer and her a tea we saw Daniel going down the slope with his poles together and some (poor) student behind him doing the same – solid gold style.

Yes, I definately drink beer better than I ski!

(Me with my big beer thinking "I made it without breaking bones and killing Daniel! Dis a success, no?")

Sunday, January 07, 2007


After having one day of rest we hopped on the train again and headed to Zermatt – it was Christmas Eve. This is a very upscale little swiss village located nestled in the Swiss Alps and at the base of the famous Matterhorn.
We took the train from my sister’s apartment in Horw to Luzern. We got off in Luzern and got on another train to go to Bern, then to Brigg and once in Brigg we switched to the mountain train. This train chugga-chugged up through the mountains. There were several marvelous views from our train car. We were sitting in first class and unlike the crappy trains to and from France these were nice. Yeah, the Swiss take their trains seriously. I found they were always clean, on time and had friendly staff.
Here are some pics of the views on the way there:

Once we arrived we flagged an electric bus to take us to our hotel.

(Suitcase wheels do not do well on packed snow and ice – which was on all the streets of Zermatt – more on that later.) These little electric buses were about the only transportation in this little town – (and, I don’t say little lightly this time). We reached our hotel that was only about 2 blocks away. It was a nice bed and breakfast named The Rex. Easy to remember – no long German name strung together that one couldn't pronounce without spitting all over themselves.
By this time I had been in two countries that spoke a different language. Granted, there were more English speaking people in this town than any other we had been to so far. I noticed that when we were in Paris the language – well, it was more sexy. I wanted to learn words and one day my sister and I played a game of all the French words we had learned so far. It was fun. But, in Switzerland with Swiss/German – it no fun. Words strung together that my ears refused to learn. My sister kept saying phrases on the train and trying to get me to say them with her and my tongue just wouldn’t do it. By the end of the trip I was like “yeah, yeah!” every time she would do that.

Once checking in we went to our room and it was nice. It had two beds shoved together (hotels seem to like to do this in Europe) and a sitting area with a fridge (stocked full of booze) and sink. There was a separate room with a sink and toilet – which, had a heated tile floor and was THE BOMB! And, another room with a tub, shower and sink.

(this is our hotel - we had to climb these latter's to get into the room)

KIDDING!! Haha! Below is our actual hotel.

Downstairs was the spa part. It had a full swimming pool that was enclosed in a stained glass area with two water spouts you could turn on. Unfortunately, we were so cold most times we couldn’t bring ourselves to get into the pool – even after sitting in the whirlpool and sauna. There was also an aromatherapy room that smelled really good and was sort of like a wet spa. Also there were several showers you could use to rinse off before going back up to your room. The hotel provided a nice robe and little shoes to wear down there. (After the incident on the train, I was REALLY relived that there wasn’t any naked men sitting around down there.)
Afterwards we walked around town. Here are some pictures:

Realizing it only took 15 minutes to walk from one end of town to the other after sitting down to dinner that night I turned to my sister and said “What did you have in mind that we would do for four days here?”

We decided to ski for two days since everyone else in town apparently thought it was a good idea. To be continued....

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2006 Looking Back

This is a break in my regularly scheduled trip blog. Zermatt is still on the way but for now, 2006 look back.

Some highlights

*Several projects that I was working on in my previous job got built
*I got a new job
*My bathrooms got renovated
*I got back with my gf in April
*Gf and I went to Asheville twice – one time was good
*I learned a lot of new things in my job and made a lot more money
*I went to my track class and didn’t crash and burn
*Reconciled two old friendships.
*Broke up with my gf for good
*Did motorcycle crew for the 3-day walk
*I sat for one of my exams – which, the jury’s still out over pass/fail
*I traveled to Switzerland and Paris – two places I’ve never been before.
*I started blogging and met all of you
*Two friends’ of mine got married and I went to the wedding
*Lost weight after breaking up with gf (and walking all over Paris)

*Not loosing anyone I love this year to death

And, some not so highlights.

*I left my previous job because some of the projects I had worked on NEVER got built because of governmental bureaucratic b.s.

*There was construction shit all over my house for about 3 months while my bathrooms were getting redone.
*I broke up with my gf in March...
*...and again in November
*Gf and I went to Asheville twice – one time was baaaaaad
*Camping in the rain and cold for the 3-day walk
*My sister moved out of the country (but, I was happy for her)
*Our father wrestled complete control of our grandmother’s farm from us despite it being co-owned by my sister and I. (sounds a bit like Versailles, doesn’t it? – drama over land…)
*Two friends’ diagnosed with cancer
*Those two friends that got married -fight more than ever now
*Getting burnt out on motorcycle teaching and almost quitting
*Lost a few friendships because of break-up with gf
*Two of my friends lost parents this year.
*Started smoking like a mo-fo
*Gained weight while I was with gf

Looking ahead

*Quitting smoking
*Having my stomach look like this again
(However, my boobs will never look this [insert word here] without surgery)
*Dragging my ass to kickboxing 3 times a week (and, going to karate class, too)
*Running 3 times a week and possibly running a ½ marathon (I said POSSIBLY Afunt ;-)
*Studying, studying, studying for my exams and taking them
*Cooking more and not going out to eat so much even after I do….
*…meet someone
*Not falling apart when I turn 40 this year (I don’t want to think about that just yet)
*Going to the beach with my friends and sister for my birthday
*Doing the 3-day crew again
*Finishing my damn book (I swear I’m going to do that if it kills me!)
*Getting my poor, poor explorer worked on
*Going to Chicago
*Not loosing anyone to anything
*Not getting hurt and staying well
*Passing tests and getting closer to my license
*Making new friends and not loosing any friends

Note: * links to previous posts