Online musings of everyday life....

Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday Five

I stole this from Kelly who stole it from SassyFemme. Five weird things about me:

1. I love being in the city. I cannot stand and am afraid of isolation of any kind. I feel more secure with people and things around me than being by myself in the middle of nowhere. Probably because of #3.

2. I like airports and to sit and watch people and try to guess their stories and where they are going and why.

3. I grew up on a farm [in the middle of nowhere] in Indiana. I know how to operate (and destroy) heavy equipment and raise cattle.

4. The only members of my immediate family who are still alive are my father and sister.

5. I am a strong believer in fate. That people cross your path more than once in your life. Gf did an internship near my college at the same time I was there. I am sure our paths crossed when I visited the place she did her internship or just standing in line at the grocery store. This was almost 8 years prior to when we met in Atlanta.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Karma Part III

Karma part III

Ok, I am TOTALLY believing in karma, y’all!

When I first started working at my new job they moved me into this horrible office. They told me just to stick it out until they could find something better for me. I know you’re probably thinking, “At least it’s an office and not a cube!” But, I would have rather had a cube and a little privacy compared to this office that had no door and it was right beside the printer so everyone who got something off the printer would look into the office at whoever was unfortunate enough to be there at that time. Plus, people would just take it upon themselves to just wander in and start some mundane conversation. I am not one for small talk so I put a stop to that one right off. But, it drove me crazy being in that office!

There was another guy that had been in that office before me –I’ll call him “M” and he was trying to see if the engineer1 guy in the office next to him would swap offices with me and I could be next to him since we worked together and all and he knew first hand how bad that office was. The engineer1 was never in the office – always out in the field (no one really knows what he does and I guess that's a good thing for him) so we were sure he’d go for it. When asked he flat out said no. “M” eventually left for a better job and I inherited his office. Thank Goddess! Privacy and a window to boot!

At the same time they hired this woman – I’ll call her “Paint Chips” woman – to work in a different department and upon hire she insisted the company provide paint chips so she could pick out what color she wanted her office painted and that they order new office furniture for her. WTF? I can understand if this is one of the partners or something but not one of us “worker bees”! I mean, I was lucky to have a computer hooked up to the network when I started!

So, guess who is moving into my old office and SHARING it? Engineer1 and Paint Chips woman! Hahahahahahaha!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Karma Part II

My father’s side of the family had always been really racist, rednecky (if that’s a word) and hated homosexuals. They would make jokes about any race/class that wasn’t their own. (Like being an uneducated redneck is something to be proud of!) I was always very close to my cousin. We were only 4 months apart in age and from the time we were crawling we were best friends. Our friendship went throughout elementary school and early high school. Once in high school our folks got paranoid about us hanging out together. (Initially brought on by my aunt and uncle and they convinced my parents) They even accused us of “dating” each other and forbid us to hang out except at family functions. There was nothing farther from the truth. We both turned out to be gay, and my sister married an African American. Talk about instant Karma!

Any more Karma stories?

Revenge, Karma, etc....


Ever done it? Ever had it done to you?

Or Karma - the saying "What comes around, goes around" -ever seen it happen? Ever wanted to act on the Revenge, but didn't and saw the Karma happen?

Mine is the Karma (which, I totally believe in and live my life by) - when I was doing my internship I worked for a terribly mean boss who used to chase me around the office screaming because a client from Egypt called and I wrote down the number incorrectly - that, and among other things he used to love to yell at me until I would leave the office crying. It was a terrible experience working for him and I couldn't leave because I was doing an internship for school and needed to stay. This boss no longer has his buisness and has alzheimer's really bad. Which, it is so sad even though I hated working for him.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Burning Question

There has been a question that has been burned into my brain this weekend while teaching. I even dreamt about it last night. In my dream the people I asked it to didn't really respond to the question I asked - they responded to another question which I will ask later.

The question:

If you knew for a fact you could do something and get away with it with no consequences what would it be?

Mine: To see how fast my motorcycle could go without worrying about going instantly to jail if I was caught and/or having some weird mechanical failure while going that fast, hitting something, etc. and killing myself. (I've never had the nerve to go past 110 mph- despite the speedometer saying 160 - which, I REALLY doubt it will go that fast)

What would you do?

Friday, September 22, 2006

Fabulous Friday!

Finally! But, I have to work this weekend and it’s supposed to rain! Ugh! Thank Goddess that I am working this weekend with my three favorite guys. (Yes, I have a lot of straight guy friends in this motorcycle business I am in.)

I have a confession to make, all.

I smoked crack for the first time last night.

HA! No, I didn't - I just wanted to see if you were awake this morning. It worked - I bet your heart is pumping right now! HAHA! No, I drank wine last night. (Are you thinking? "Whew! Thank Goddess! That Trinity....)

Yes, as I said in the prior post – never say “never” (although, I feel pretty comfortable in saying that I will never smoke the previous, shoot up or snort anything except nasal decongestant).
I felt like such crap all day yesterday. I woke up with cramps that morning prior to the alarm going off and had them so bad that I couldn’t just roll over and go back to sleep. Waking up this way is almost as bad as that time I dated this girl that turned on the TV every morning and started doing aerobics in front of it. (Needless to say THAT relationship didn’t last long!)

Throughout the day no amount of ibuprofen would even touch my cramps. The end of the day I went home and skipped my workout and ran a hot bubble bath in the jet tub and sat in there and read my book. “Ahhhhh! Calgon take me away!”

That night gf and I were to meet up with friends and listen to jazz outside. I LOVE doing this and sadly, we have missed the first two Thursdays in September and only have one more left after this. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go as I didn’t feel good. Gf talked me into it and I was glad I went. It was so nice seeing everyone – as we haven’t seen most of them since the lake trip.
I kicked back listening to jazz and drank a glass of wine and realized the cramps had vanished. (That bath I took earlier may have something to do with that, too). It was a great night!

So, did I screw up? Nah! I am not hung over this morning and feel much better. Call it medicinal reasons, I guess. I am still going to try to abstain as much as possible but every once in awhile I might just screw up. This particular screw up felt good, though. Life is short! And, because of such I am including the Fabulous Friday top 10:

1. Jazz outside wearing a new track jacket for the first time.
2. Drinking a glass of wine with #1.
3. Picnic on the grass with friends and 1 & 2.
4. Fridays
5. Saturday mornings when you can sleep in and you have nowhere to be.
6. A TV show premiere.
7. Whiskers on a cat.
8. Riding with the top down without frying like a piece of chicken.
9. Sneaking out of work early on a beautiful day and
10. getting away with it!

Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Nurturing Central

Thanks for all the support on the previous post. Sometimes I get like that when I am
Pms-ing heavily – and, I was.

Yesterday, after I wrote that post I was sitting in my office looking out the window and realized that it was quite ridiculous to be sitting here, depressed on such a nice day. I peaked around the corner into my boss’s office to see if he was there. I was all set to ask him about a project we were working on in case he was. He wasn’t. He hadn’t been in his office for the last few hours. I then went outside to see if his car was anywhere in the parking lot and couldn’t find it. This was a good sign. So…

I left!

I pulled the car out of the usual spot in front of my office and rolled out of the parking lot in the opposite direction. Once around the corner I stopped the car, put the top down, put on my baseball cap and tore off!

Whoo-hoo! I was out of there! I flew down the highway with no traffic.

I decided to go to the grocery store and pick up a few healthy things. I passed by the beer and wine and went to get my special soy chi tea. I –sigh- got fruit (I don’t know if I can do three days of fruit, Claire) and salad stuff. I made myself put back three quarts of ice cream and replaced with frozen strawberries for protein shakes.

After unloading the groceries I had a hair appointment. Cut it off! And, she did. That felt really good!

I went for a long run with headphones and plenty of water. As I ran I thought when I felt bad in the past the first thing I would do is go to the gas station and buy a pack of cigarettes and Corona Light. Why do I think that ingesting chemicals and a depressant is going to make me feel better? Hmm….something to think about but I will say I was tempted in a bad way. And, no – I’m not becoming some Buddha on the Mountain and say I’m never going to ingest these things ever again. I never say “never”, as a rule.

When I returned from my run I made my favorite meal out of my body for life cookbook. I sat down with dinner and started to watch the first season of

Grey’s Anatomy. I did an abdominal workout while watching the show.

I made tea afterwards and put the electric blanket on the bed.

I went to sleep with the window open and my blanket on low.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Strength can take a flying leap.....

I am about ready to write a real downer of a post and want to warn you now to not read any further if you do not feel up to it. (and, I certainly do not recommend you reading this at work, either, unless you need a good cry and don't mind if the whole world sees you - but, please do if you want co-workers to be concerned about you and give you the rest of the day off!)

Most of the time I am an upbeat person. I am always trying to motivate, encourage and be positive about life, work, working out, etc. But, some days it’s just not working for me. Some days I cannot help but miss my family. These are the days where there seems to be only about two people out there who understand and they are my sister as she shares my solidarity in our family and my friend, Afunt.

Some days I think about my mother so much it’s like she’s right there and I just want to pick up the phone and call her and know I cannot. We lost her 7 years ago last month to breast cancer. What brought all this up for me this week is an episode of Nip and Tuck. Funny how a T.V. show can do that. I really enjoy that show and have been renting the first season and watching it. One of the characters on the show had breast cancer and it had metastasized into her lungs, liver and brain and she only had a few months to live.

This was exactly what my mother went through before she died. It was a terrible time for everyone but mainly for her. We had this relationship where we really didn’t talk about serious things. She knew I was gay but we never talked about it or our real feelings. No one in our family did – it was understood. When she got sick she didn’t want me to see her. In fact, she was mad at me those times where I did come to the hospital and see her. I think she knew she was on her way out and didn’t want me to remember her like that. She had about 4 months of misery in the hospital and was gone after that – with only 2 out of the 10 required chemo treatments complete. At the time, her and our grandmother weren’t speaking, either. Gma – where I get my (normally) motivating, positive and energetic outlook from – always kept telling my mother she could beat this thing and she’d be fine. After a few times of this Mom kicked Gma out of her hospital room and wouldn’t let her in. (Yes, Gma did outlive mom – she didn’t pass until almost 6 years later – of the age of 93).

After Mom had passed it seemed like my life spun out of control. I broke up with my gf of 7 years (to which I NEVER regretted for a single moment!) and we had to sue each other over custody of the house. (I won, thanks to an early inheritance from Mom, I was able to buy her out) Our father whom we barely got along with while mom was alive made it clear he didn’t ever want to see our grandmother again (the feeling was mutual) and started treating us even worse than he did prior to Mom’s death. (I still barely speak to him and have deep feelings of apathy towards him.)

This was when I decided to see a good therapist whom I saw for several years after that.
I look at myself now, my accomplishments and wonder if I would have been able to do all this if it wasn’t for Mom insisting on my going to college. I also wonder if I would have the strength I do now if I hadn’t ever gone through her and Gma’s death and basically had to live on my own and not rely on anyone – certainly not family members- but myself. I know that period gave me the strength that I have now.

But, sometimes you just want to tell strength to fuck off.

Sometimes you just want your Mom.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Day 3 and counting…..

Ok, I promise you I will not write an update on not drinking everyday because I know that can get quite boring. However, I just wanted to write that I am still going strong but have come to a few exceptions in my goal. My original 40-day goal is going to become a 38 – day goal with the exceptions of a dear friend’s 40th birthday and me and GF’s 2 -year anniversary – both, very special occasions and both being out of town – overnighters, as well. I have to be realistic, here, and at the same time keep the goal in sight. I am mainly doing this thing to help with my previous workout/diet goals – feeling like I could get to my goal weight a lot easier if I cut out the beer at night. At the time, I originally thought it would be the most challenging to cut out beer and alcohol.

I was wrong.

Today, I had to go out on a job site and was frantically looking for a place to get coffee before I got to my destination. (Meetings always go better with coffee in hand – which, btw I refuse to EVER give up) I found a Dunkin’ Donuts.


This is not good.

Dunkin’ Donuts!! All those darling little donuts (
and, we know how I feel about those) just waiting for me to sink my teeth into them and not to mention the warm, sausage/egg/cheese croissant!


I had to go into the Ladies room and actually look at my stomach and the progress I have made so far in order to talk myself out of that little croissant!

It worked!

I only had coffee.

Monday, September 18, 2006

1 down and 39 to go

Recently, I have been thinking about quiting drinking for awhile. Lately, I had been frustrated with the results of my training and weight loss because I could never seem to give up the alcohol at night. (Granted, I always had a few drinks per night with dinner but not lush country or anything)

As all diets and workout programs say -don't drink alchohol. Primarily, because your liver will either process sugar or alcohol but not at once. And, if both are in your system - alcohol gets first dibs and the sugar turns to FAT.

I met up with Afunt one night for dinner and she told me she had quit drinking for awhile and wanted to see how long she could go. Then, I visited Claire's post and she is going to do the 40 days and 40 nights (check it out) and invited anyone to join. I thought "What the hell? At least it would give my liver a break for awhile." So, my college buddy and her new gf were in town on Sat. night and GF just flew in and we all went out to dinner and I announced that that night was the last night of alcohol for awhile. Despite it being the last night I really didn't tie one on too bad. I had two glasses of wine and two beers after dinner. Despite not feeling like I drank a lot the next morning I still woke up with a headache. Hopefully, no more of these for awhile.

The first day of my non-drinking we go to this game (primo seats, too).

And, everyone was drinking except for me and every child under 21 at the game. It was hard, I have to tell you! We had gone with a friend of GF's and his buddy and I offered to drive so everyone could drink as much as they wanted. I do admit it was nice that no one had to worry about getting home safe -that I was the driver and in charge.

It's really strange doing that for the first time. It's like looking through a window and watching everyone's behavior gradually change. When we were walking out to the car everyone except for me had had quite a bit to drink. None of my group was stumbling or anything, though. On the way to the car we saw this guy FALL out of this car while it was moving. He was so drunk he could barely get up off the pavement. Then, when we got to my car all these [scary] straight guys were partying at the vehicle next to mine and being really crazy. I just got everyone into the car as quickly as possible and got out of there. Whew! Yeah, for the first time I was around all these drunk people and I was the only one sober. Which, was a sobering experience.

I was glad that I did this for GF and her friends. They thanked me all day for being the designated driver and I was happy to do it. I think for the first time I actually had fun not drinking and felt that I didn't need it.

I say this now but we shall see. It's only been 1 day.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Techno and Saturday

Ok, after muuuuuuuch thought and obsessing I have decided to stick with the 'crackberry' a little longer. Primarily for two reasons. The first one being that I am an email WHORE (as well as a Gadget QUEEN) and not only can I recieve my work email on my blackberry but it also has it's own independent email address associated with it. Sometimes, one wants to email things WITHOUT going thru the company server - catch my drift? And, the 8125 does not have it's own email address associated with it - you have to either have it go thru your company email address, home email address or access your pop email account (yahoo, msn, etc) through it's web browser - which can be very slow going if you are not in a wi-fi hot spot.

2nd - I have skipped my blackberry across the pavement on several occasions (not out of frustration but accidentaly) and the thing still works! It's a durrable little thing! I am a clutz when it comes to dropping things so any cell phone or pda device better be durrable or else I will bust it immediately upon recieving it. (Yes, my father used to tell me I could bust a crowbar and I actually DID as a child - I also tore up major farm equipment much to my enjoyment and his chagrin) I've also had insurance on every cell phone I've ever had if that tells you anything. So, this little 8125 doesn't look too durable to me. It looks like one skip across the parking lot and it would be like "Yeah, I'm done!"

So, I had to ask myself what is the primary goal here? Portable computer or email access? And, I have to go with the later - especially, since I spent a boatload of money on this [small, tiny] laptop which I LOVE!(And, also have insurance on!)

My advice is this: if you're looking for an actual portable computer then get the 8125. But, if simple phone calls, email and text messaging is important then get a regular cell phone or blackberry.

Also - GF and parents made it in one piece on the float plane out of Alaska and all is well! :-)

Happy Saturday and weekend everyone!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Help me!

Cingular 8125 Pocket PC

Ok, I'm putting it out to my fellow readers! I am a gadget QUEEN! I currently own a Blackberry 7290 that I am getting bored with not to mention I can't hear a darn thing on it. I was looking at the Treo 600 and then I ran accross this thing. It's a little steep in price but I can buy a refurbished one on the Cingular website for $200.

Does anyone own or know anyone who owns one? And, has anyone ever bought a refurbished one from Cingular?

If so, I would love any feedback you could give me before I bite the bullet and buy one of these things.

Paths taken, not taken, and weird developments

"Be on the lookout for someone with an extreme lifestyle. They enter the scene either today or tomorrow ... and they represent a cautionary tale you need to learn. You have always been strong in the face of temptation, and so you have nothing to fear from the invitations that will be coming your way. You can feel free to accept and take a walk on the wild side. After all, it offers nothing that could be better than what you already have."

Above is my horoscope for today.

This has been a weird week. First, it’s started out REALLY terrible – I was tired and sore as hell from working the weekend, some of my students that were in my class were spoiled rotten little children that DIDN’T DESERVE to have the HONOR to learn how to ride a motorcycle, GF being out of town, and just a crank in general.

By Wednesday I was cheering up. GF be home soon, week almost over. That night I go out with my friend whose wedding I attended. I hadn’t seen her since we were at the beach. We’re out eating tacos and she tells me my ex is getting married. Yes, I knew that, blah, blah, blah. But, what I didn’t know was she’s planning on moving away after the wedding. That was what surprised me. I thought, "Why should it matter– at least you don’t have to run in to them anymore and have any awkwardness." I guess I shouldn’t be surprised after all. I remember when I was with this person she could never make up her mind and was always unhappy about something.

Why should I be surprised or even bothered by it?

I don’t know – but, it still bugs me. So, that was a weird thing to find out.

Then, last night I met up with a bunch of friends to go dancing and ran into the girl I dated right before GF. In fact, what is VERY strange is while I was going out with this girl her ex was going out with GF. Isn’t that strange? Now, neither of them know that GF and I are seeing each other. This is something that amuses me to no end for some reason.

This week there has been a lot of talk about paths taken – coulda, shoulda, woulda…..

As I looked at this girl in front of me, I had to keep in the forefront of my mind all the arguments we had, her always hanging out with boring straight guys (she even had one with her last night – SURPRISE!) and how every night it was always a party with alcohol, drugs, etc. For a split second I could see myself going back down that path of destruction again. I could picture the arguments already beginning and then as quick as it came it was gone and I breathed in a sigh of relief. Thank Goddess I don’t have to deal with THAT again!

This is what my horoscope was about - only a day late. (which, not very comforting, I know - these things are shaky at best!)

Another weird development this week is that GF emailed me yesterday and said that they were having a really bad rain storm with 100 mph winds where she was in Alaska and that if it didn’t let up by this afternoon today then they wouldn’t be able to get the float planes out. I emailed back and said to stay put until the weather let up – I didn’t want a statistic for a GF. Surely the pilots of these planes know better……yeah, so now I’m worried.

I haven’t even finished my Starbucks yet and already I am having an intense conversation with myself on paths taken, not taken, worrying about float plans and bad weather.

–Sigh –

-at least it’s Friday!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

10 more things......

Wow, everyone seems to be having one of those weeks! Me, R.d., Claire. I generally felt better once Monday was over with. I had an excellent evening with Afunt for dinner (and, I looked forward to it and it was the highlight of my day – feel better? ;-) and last night it was raining and I LOVE staying in and listening to it. I was all set with some leftover dinner, my first season of Nip & Tuck had come in the mail (this is the show I’m addicted to r.d.) and Rockstar Supernova (which is starting to become really boring) was on so I was set! Every night this week I have gone right to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and slept all the way until the alarm went off. This morning when that happened I didn’t want to get up and it was still raining. UGH! As much as I like to stay in when it rains I DO NOT want to go to work when it rains!

Traffic was a nightmare.

One of my [stupid] clients emailed me and said he hadn’t got these plans I sent him a month ago and my consultant is looking for his review.

GF has been emailing me every night before she goes to bed (Alaska time so 4 hours behind) and I had been looking forward to her emails and reading them over coffee in the mornings before going to work. But, this morning she didn’t even remember me telling her 2 emails ago that I WOULD pick her up at the airport on Sat. (making me think she DOESN’T EVEN READ my F-ing emails) and I realized that there are only so many emails I can read on fishing – how great the fishing is, [insert name of river, pond, lake, stream in Alaska] they fished, 20” [insert fish species here] they caught, etc.

The company I ordered my new jacket from charged me TWICE for it! Plus, I have to do a cost estimate for a few jobs today, which I do not want to do.

Yes, I am cranky today! Can you tell? Crank, crank, crank, crank……

So, this calls for ANOTHER 10 things to be happy about, look forward to and generally be ok with:

1. Again, GF coming home on Sat. despite the many fish stories I will hear.
2. That I am still 5’-3” above ground and walking.

3. That I have my own office so I do not have to talk to anyone if I don’t want to – and can also shut the door!

4. That I have beer in the fridge (both Claire and r.d. will appreciate that)

5. That I am going to pay off quite a bit of debt that I have built up soon.

6. This week is half over!

7. Hockey starts Oct. 4!! (You cannot believe how ready I am for that! And, I must say that that is the ONLY good thing about winter!)

8. Baseball ends soon (ho-f-ing HUM!)

9. GF and I are going to Savannah soon [and, I’m not letting her take her fishing stuff!]

10. The weekend is almost here and it’s not Monday again!

Hope your week is going well! If not, then give me 10 more things!

Monday, September 11, 2006

10 things be either mad, sad or to vent about:

1. Federer beating Roddick in the US Open- I am so sick of Federer always winning. Tennis is becoming boring watching him beat yet another opponent.

2. It is Monday.

3. My gf is in a remote part of Alaska right now flying fishing with her father and it's hard to talk on the phone and email.

4. I miss her.

5. I had a shitty ass weekend teaching and

6. am tired and sore from it.

7. It is Monday.

8. I want to cry right now and

9. I hate, hate, HATE to cry - ARGGGG!

10. I do not want to be in my f-ing office right now and my only saving grace is numbers 2, 6 & 10 below. be happy about, look forward to and generally be ok with:

1. That this brother beat this brother last night!

2. Monday is almost over.

3. Gf comes back on Saturday.

4. My shitty ass weekend is over.

5. That my new shirt and motorcycle jacket are coming in the mail.

6. That Monday is almost over.

7. College buddy is coming with new gf this weekend and it's not Lightning Love (whom she decided NOT to go back to - whew! My work is done here!)

8. That I get to go out of town for work tomorrow.

9. That I'm meeting friends on Thrusday to go dancing at this place.

10. That 4:00 is almost here so I can leave!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Stuff Portrait Fridays

Taken from Random & Odd

1. Your Freedom
2. Your Hope
3. Your Wish

Freedom:Riding a motorcycle gives me freedom!

Hope: Which, goes along with Freedom - to someday have one of these with MY name on it so I can go out on my own!

Wish: To someday live here or someplace LIKE here.

What are yours?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Project Run-gay

I must admit that I have been totally addicted to Project Runway ever since I ran across it channel surfing one night 3 weeks ago. Since then, it seems I cannot get enough of this show. Despite coming in mid-season I was immediately hooked. The other day GF and I just rolled in from our trip and after unloading the car, talking to the cats (How was your visitors? Did Afunt abuse you? ;-) I flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV only to find a MARATHON Project Runway on Bravo getting ready to start. I RAN to the fridge to take stock of my beer situation and had the phone in my hand to order pizza (diet be damned!). Like a guy getting ready for the starting kick-off to NFL season (which, sadly is tonight – no more coherent conversations with GF on Thurs, Sunday and Monday evenings) I was in for a night of entertainment.

Favorite PR peeps:

Michael – from the big ATL, too! That boy can design his ass off! He’s always this laid back guy that doesn’t get too much into the drama of it all. His stuff is usually right on the money and he’s already won two challenges.

Uli – she’s from Miami and her designs are always very sophisticated and the models always seem very comfortable yet stunning in her dresses. Hell, I’d even wear one of her dresses!

Kayne – despite this guy being a total flamer he grows on you after awhile. I am a bit worried about him being voted off the runway soon as he tends to go over the top in his designs –creating stuff more suited for a drag queen. If he can tone his stuff down a little bit then he may be ok.

Jeffery – this is the guy everyone loves to hate but I enjoy his bluntness. He’s such an asshole sometimes that I just have to laugh. In his favor, though, he is always an ass towards my least favorite PR peeps – which, I enjoy immensely! One of them being:

Vincent – finally got voted off the runway yesterday. This guy was a piece of work, believe me! For one thing, he couldn’t sew his way out of paper bag! And, as the show progressed he kept getting increasingly more and more cocky about his work. I mean, WTF? I could make a dress better than the one he did and I don’t even WEAR dresses (unless Uli makes me one!) So, thankfully, this guy is gone from the competition.

The next least favorite PR peep is:

Laura – granted, this woman can sew her ass off but if I see one more high-waist skirt/dress thing I will (seriously) puke. It’s because of Laura I don’t wear dresses! Last night she made this horrendous dress that looked like it was going to take flight with the model attached.

Tim (who, like Jeffery –bluntness cracks my shit up!) said if she gave the model a feather duster she would look like a maid! (Hmm, Tim looks like he’d be an authority on those, too!)

Plus, I also have to vent (DISCLOSURE: if you are pregnant or have been pregnant skip this next section because you might find it offensive. But, hey, if you read it anyway don't blame me that I didn't warn you!) that two weeks ago Laura announced that she was pregnant (in front of her mother that had no idea, no less. Great! Your daughter is preggers and she doesn’t even tell you before she announces it on national television!) So, last night we heard the first (and, I'm sure of many!) of “My back hurts! I have to lay down – I’m three months pregnant!” Not to mention she had on this white button-down shirt that was hiked up over her [white, iridescent] belly. YU-CK! Ok, for one thing – when she announced it she only made it sound like she just found out she was pregnant. NOW, suddenly, instead of being three weeks pregnant, she’s three months pregnant and hiking her shirt up and showing a big belly! I don’t care if you are [only] three month pregnant –don’t show your belly on national tv!

("yeah, I'm preggers so I CAN show my [big, white, iridescent] belly on national tv! )


Anyway, Jeffery won last night with the most horrendous design. I am usually in agreement with his work and think he’s really talented but this thing looked like he’d made something out of a compilation of my mother's dish rags!

Not to mention that you can practically see her crotch! I just don't get it!

My prediction is that Michael is going to win it all!

PS: For more great reading on this show go to this site.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Vacation, Beach, Wedding Highlights

Ok, so I know you’re all just dying to know how the wedding/vacation I’ve been talking about [for it seems like years] went!

Vacation - exceeded my expectations! Gf and I had a great condo near this state park and the beach. A typical day was getting up, having coffee, running on the beach for 30 – 40 minutes, taking a dip in the pool and GF having breakfast ready when I got in. Then, beach time with her and the dog all day. Next day, getting up and doing it all over again! No complaints there – not much to tell except that it was great!

The wedding - was very nice! As expected it was of a Native American flavor. In fact, the woman who performed the ceremony was of Seminole descent. There were 18 of us and we all took part in the ceremony itself – which was great! I cannot ever remember having so much fun at a ceremony. And, because we were all a part of it – it made it even more special and meaningful not only to the brides but to all of us as well. In order to preserve this unique and intimate affair I am purposely not going to go into any more detail of it.

The toast – went well! I practiced saying it to GF on the beach for two days and by then I could recite it in my sleep. I had decided to relate a story of the first time I had met one of the brides, talk about friendship and cap it off with how they were meant to be together. It was short and sweet and everyone seemed to enjoy it – especially, more than when an ex. (yes, one of the brides actually had an ex there – but, an ex from a very looooong time ago and they only went out for, like, 3 months) The ex – I’ll call her – well, to be nice – “L-ex” she got up and stumbled around in her toast, got lost half way through and forgot what she was saying, it took forever and no one really knew what the hell she was talking about. [But, if you knew this person you would not be surprised.]

The reception – very strange! (notice it’s at the very bottom of the trip highlights.) Aside from the brides, Gf and I only knew two other couples there. One couple was the L-ex and her gf (who wasn’t very friendly to us at all – I think because she’s friends with my ex) and L-ex is a very hard person to have a conversation with –especially, when there is alcohol involved (if you couldn’t gather that from above) The other couple Gf and I knew we had met previously at the reception so we didn’t know them very well. Like us, they were chasing martinis with bottled water biding their time until they could politely [bolt] leave. Yes, I guess the reception was a bit of a disappointment despite the wonderful food, cake, martinis and wine. Since the guests just knew each other casually everyone ended up paired up and talking among themselves after both the brides cut the cake and did their first dance. One of the guests was [trying to be] a dj and had brought all his equipment and was set up. Normally, this would have been great as one could keep requesting songs until he got it right but he played the most odd combination of songs I ever heard. I think the only song we [actually] danced to was an old Salt and Pepa song that took me back to my early days. [I think we all know that one] I did request at one point some disco [because who can f*ck that up, right? And, most disco you can dance to] but the only thing he came up with was The Commodores. I mean, it was great that he offered to dj him being a guest but I really hope he doesn’t quit his day job over it.

I guess what I was really wanting was a great, blow-out of a reception, all of us drunk, buddies, bonding and hungover the next day. You know those times, right? But, didn’t happen. Oh well. I guess it all can’t be perfect! If it was you’d be wondering if there was an imposter writing in Trinity2’s place and what happened to her – did she not come back? Rest assured it’s me!