Finally! But, I have to work this weekend and it’s supposed to rain! Ugh! Thank Goddess that I am working this weekend with my three favorite guys. (Yes, I have a lot of straight guy friends in this motorcycle business I am in.)
I have a confession to make, all.
I smoked crack for the first time last night.
HA! No, I didn't - I just wanted to see if you were awake this morning. It worked - I bet your heart is pumping right now! HAHA! No, I drank
wine last night. (Are you thinking? "Whew! Thank Goddess! That Trinity....)
Yes, as I said in the prior post – never say “never” (although, I feel pretty comfortable in saying that I will never smoke the previous, shoot up or snort anything except nasal decongestant).
I felt like such crap all day yesterday. I woke up with cramps that morning prior to the alarm going off and had them so bad that I couldn’t just roll over and go back to sleep. Waking up this way is almost as bad as that time I dated this girl that turned on the TV every morning and started doing aerobics in front of it. (Needless to say THAT relationship didn’t last long!)
Throughout the day no amount of ibuprofen would even touch my cramps. The end of the day I went home and skipped my workout and ran a hot bubble bath in the jet tub and sat in there and read my book. “Ahhhhh! Calgon take me away!”
That night gf and I were to meet up with friends and listen to jazz outside. I LOVE doing this and sadly, we have missed the first two Thursdays in September and only have one more left after this. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go as I didn’t feel good. Gf talked me into it and I was glad I went. It was so nice seeing everyone – as we haven’t seen most of them since
the lake trip.
I kicked back listening to jazz and drank a glass of wine and realized the cramps had vanished. (That bath I took earlier may have something to do with that, too). It was a great night!
So, did I screw up? Nah! I am not hung over this morning and feel much better. Call it medicinal reasons, I guess. I am still going to try to abstain as much as possible but every once in awhile I might just screw up. This particular screw up felt good, though. Life is short! And, because of such I am including the Fabulous Friday top 10:
1. Jazz outside wearing a new track jacket for the first time.
2. Drinking a glass of wine with #1.
3. Picnic on the grass with friends and 1 & 2.
4. Fridays
5. Saturday mornings when you can sleep in and you have nowhere to be.
6. A
TV show premiere.
7. Whiskers on a cat.
8. Riding with the top down without frying like a piece of chicken.
9. Sneaking out of work early on a beautiful day and
10. getting away with it!
Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend!